A world (Pt.1)

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Warning: This book may have strong languages, disturbing details, and use of drugs. Viewer discretion is advised.

Tuesday April,18 2018 11:04 pm

America is what we call home right? Earth is what we call life.
But that life, that home that we need, is going to shit. Now the government are fucking us up already. Saying to keep calm and we will be sending "help". Ha ya right. People is getting killed by our only hope. Why? Well this world is being fucked by a virus what we call empty world (E.W). Turning people empty, they need to kill. They need blood and pain, crazy ass people if you tell me. Now the government, there doing there job killing innocent so the virus won't spread. We been stuck in this mess for 2 fucking years. Over thousands of people had died each month. My name's is Nick and your in for a ride

Tigers Productions presents


I've been walking over 156 miles away from the city for a year. Been passing through lots of things farms, people, and small towns. But they all get fucked up by storms or just got destroyed. You see it's not your ordinary landscapes here the virus was so bad that it made a second virus ,L.D Landscapes Destroyer, stupid names. All land is like los Vegas, plain deserts no trees, no animals. It's hard to survive in this world now. Other survivers recommend to stay in the city. There's more food and shelter, but with more crazy people and more raiders. Nowhere is safe every were is fucked up. I'm heading for a town "bright and sunny". I saw the sign and was covered from black and written in white marker to make it say "Welcome to Hell" of course this world is blaming god. I blame him so what? I walked in the bar seeing about the all the visitors having time of there life's being drunk. Hey it's still life around and there's no way the craziest people is coming here. We don't know what to call him? The government has one but all us people agree if someone says this it's the government I can't say this in my journal or else the person that is reading this will think of me as a government. A person came up to me with a decayed coat with ripped blue jeans and black messed up hair and dirty oder. He told me if I can spare him some change so he can grab us a beer. Of course it's everyone game is to trick people so I just ignored him. "Past it over" He told me with a 44.mag pistol pointing in my face. People start laughing and video tapping it."did you ever killed someone before cause I did, before all shit went down." I said, I can tell by his face that was freaking out. He put the pistol down and walked away. If your wondering I killed a man when he didn't want to give me my money back. Another person came up to me. I grabbed my shotgun ready to shoot. But he stop me with a "whoa I'm not an enemy I just need to talk to you". I put my gun down slowly still starring at him. He was old with bright gray hair and beard with a farmer looking clothing. He also haded a 9mm pistol on his pockets. He told me he haded a farm a mile away and he will like some backup for building his wall. I said yes because I needed the help and a place to stay. We headed to the farm.

Note #2

Wednesday April,19 2018

We was in the farm "why a wall? There's no crazy people here" I asked. He looked at me with a confused face "why do you people think we're going to be safe, there going to come any ways". I thought about for a second. He could be right. He continues to build the wall. To be protected from those people we don't know what to call them yet. The old man says zombies but crazy people arnt zombies. So why not C.P crazy people. Whatever fits best. After a few hours later he invited me to eat with his wife and teenaged boy.
The wife acted like every thing is normal like nothing happened. It's good to have a spirit but you need to be ready. The teenage boy haded a cigarette in his mouth with riped clothing and tattoo's of tigers. I was the only one here that haded a gun a ammo casings in my chest. The woman made red beans with baked chicken and green peas. "We're you got that gun?" The boy asked "no talking" the man told his son. I was ignoring them since it was family business not mine. " I was asking a question dad" the boy shouted already. I sighed I was annoyed I just wanted to eat my food. "Why didn't you asked questions in your class. Now we're stuck here with bad food". The old man sounded upset I thought the food was good well probably because he was eating the same thing for 2 years. "So you don't like my cooking" the woman said angrily. "No I don't it's terrible". The man said. That's it I can't hold men should respect woman I standard up. "Listen old man respect your wife cause that's the only person who's going to fucking stay with you ... including your son." There was silence that's it. He stands up going outside. I went up and said thank you to the lady. When he was outside I saw him standing there. "Hey what's the matter?!" I screamed. Nothing. I went to  him. "Hey are you death? What wrong." He was scared I looked were he was looking at, then I saw the most unbelievable thing. The bar was on fire with hearing C.P laughing loud as fuck. "I told you they were coming" he said running to his garage. "What are you doing??!" I said. "We need to go we can't stay" he is still not listening to me. Finally he came out with a hunting rifle. "We need to get ready" he said. "What? We can't stay, there going to kill us!" I screamed. " Ya I know but we won't" he said. I stared at the fire looking at someone ruining to the farm.
"Help! Please!" A man screamed for help. I knew that they were coming.

To Be Continued

To Be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2016 ⏰

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