Wait.. What?!

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Bella walked the halls of NYU and began to receive more stares and whispers than she usally did.

What the hell?

She goes in to AP history where she is only to be greeted by more stares and whispers. Just then her Professor Mr. Robinson greeted her.

Mr. Robinson....
Good morning Miss. Gonzalez. Please take your seat.

Bella rushes to her usual seat, which was at course in the front of the class. The tardy bell ranged as soon as gina sped into the class.

Mr. Robinson...
Well nice of you to join us Ms. Hayes. Please take your seat.

Gina rushed to sit by you but not before screaming and gushing about how lucky you were.

Bitch!!!!!! You didn't?!

Miss Hayes! Please refrain from cursing. Class you know the usual sit quietly and work on your history papers.

Girl what the hell is wrong with you?!

Bit... I mean girl you went from Zero to hero will quick!

Again im still lost...?

You really don't know?

No gina whats going on? And why is everyone staring at me. What the hell did i do? By the last pair of Jordan's left in stock?

When you see this you can't freak out.

See what Gina?

Just then Gina pulls up a Instagram page called "The Shaderoom".

Im confused what does thi(GCO)

Maybe if you would wait a minute Shirlock, you would see.

Gina clicks a recently updated post.

OMG! Thats me!

Gina signs.

And the $100,000 cash prize goes to Bella Gonzalez!!!!

Bella snatches her phone and begans to read the post.

"Grammy award winner Drake has a new Boo!" " And Get this , this Cutie with a booty is a Honors College student" "The 29 year old shared this pic last night minutes before the black out, which obviously meant the 2 stayed the night together" "We give Drake's new Ting a Yay!"

Bella looked up and began to laugh out extremely loud.

Whats funny girl? What are you thinking?

About the ways im gonna beat his ass.

Bella handed Gina back her phone and got out her own phone and read her notifications.
She first checked her Instagram anf was shocked to see her followers went from 30k to 75k. Her comments on her pics went from her being called "extremely beautiful, to " just another Ig model".  Her blood boiled at the thought of Drake and she decided to sent him a angry text on how she was feeling.

She typed the following....

You're an asshole! Who said i wanted to be put out there. I can't believe you did that. At least you could've asked me. Im done with you. Just forget about everything. And you can kiss my fat ass or at least dream about doing it. Good riddance.

She sent the text and immediately regreted it. Was she being selfish? Can she live with being his girl. She shooked her and convinced herself that she made the right choice.

Minutes go by as Bella is finishing up her paper. The class phone rings and Mr. Robinson gets up and answers the phone.

Mr. Robinson.....
Hello?.. Yes i do. Ok, no problem she'll be right there.

He Hangs up.

Mr. Robinson...
Bella you have a vistor in the Student's Lounge.

Girl.... Here.

Gina attempts to hand Bella a condom.

Gina... I will be back watch my stuff.

She walked out of class, and begin to go to the Student's Lounge. She reached the doors and put in her student's code and began to walk inside. She is Greeted by the last person she wanted to see.

What are you doing here?

Come here..

Bella stood still.


He yelled.

To be continued....

Lol don't kill me... Just a little cliffhanger.

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