You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)

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I woke with a start, sitting up straight in bed grasping the sheets. Tig was watching tv and Abel was asleep between us.

"Hey you alright baby? " I didn't answer him but moved closer. I laid my head on his chest and I opened my eyes back up and clung to Tig.

"Baby...Hey baby look at me." I looked up with tears in my eyes.

"Tell me what's wrong baby girl."

"Just having another nightmare about the car crash."

"Oh ok. I'm sorry baby." He said and put his arm around me and pulled me closer. Abel awoke and crawled into my lap and laying his head on Tig. We looked like one big happy family but Abel of course wasn't ours.

We soon got up and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Afterwards Jax came and asked if I could watch Abel longer since Tara and him would be going on a date. I said yes because seriously who wouldn't want to watch Abel.

At noon Tig left with Clay, Kozik, and Chibs to go to a meeting with the Mayans and Niners. Abel and I watched tv and ate most of the day. Tig and the guys didn't get back until 11:30 and Abel was already asleep and I was close to it. Tig had taken a shower then got in bed with me. I fell asleep right when his arms wrapped around me I was asleep.

The next morning Tig was gone which didn't surprise me. Abel was up watching cartoons. Tonight there would be another party so I would probably end up watching him again which didn't bother me in the least. But this time there would be croweaters and sweetbutts. I just hope Tig doesn't go with one of them. I know he loves me but that's how the guys are.

At around 5:30 I made dinner for Abel and I. I hadn't seen Tig all day so I didn't make any for him. By 6 we were done eating and getting dressed for the party. I spiked Abels hair and dressed him in dark jeans, a white T-shirt, and black and white Nikes. I was wearing dark skinny jeans, black biker boots, a white V neck and a leather jacket over the top of it. It was now 6:30 so I picked up Abel and we headed for the party. The place was packed full and there were children running around everywhere.

I walked with Abel outside and he pointed to the boxing ring yelling "Daddy! Daddy! " I looked over and Jax and Juice were in the ring fighting. I kept walking towards the play set and put Abel in the baby swing. He was having so much fun but then Jax came over.

"Hey Katie you alright with watching him again."

"Sure." I said with a smile.

"Alright. Oh yeah Tig and Happy will be in the ring in 5 minutes. "

"What!? They're going to fight!? " I yelled and stopped pushing Abel.

"Yeah. He didn't tell you? "

"No! " I picked up Abel and the three of us walked back towards the ring. Happy was standing in the far corner and Tig was standing in the opposite closer to me. I walked up to where he was.

"Alexander Trager! "

"What? " he said innocently.

"Why didn't you tell me that you and Happy were FIGHTING!?"

"Because it isn't important. Take Abel inside until we are finished. " but I stood there.

"GO NOW! " I still with Abel on my hip by now Jax had walked away towards Tara. Tig got down from the ring and began to make a scene. He got in my face and pointed to the clubhouse.

"Go. Right. Now. I don't have time to deal with your bullshit right now. Go." I rolled my eyes and walked away towards the clubhouse. I hadn't realize everyone was staring until the got back to their conversations.

Abel and I reached the doors of the clubhouse when an unfamiliar car pulled into the lot. Tig, Happy, Jax, Juice, and Clay walked over towards them. I still stood by the doors when I saw Tig put a gun against Ethan Zobelles head.

"Would you really shoot me Mr. Trager? In front of all these witnesses and your fiance. " Tig lowered the gun and looked over at me then put the gun back in its holster. After a while Zobelle set a box in front of Clay and got in the car. Tig and Happy held out there guns and walked towards the car as it pulled out. Abel clung to my neck.

Jax walked towards me. He kissed my forehead and Labels then kissed Tara on the lips and got on his bike. Tara knew we were like brother and sister so she was ok with the kissing thing but I geuss Tig wasn't.

"What was that?"

"What? He's like a brother I never had. "

"Whatever. " He said and pushed me towards the doors of the clubhouse as Clay told everyone to head home. We reached the dorm room and Tig laid my bags on the bed.

"Pack. We are going home tonight. Abel is staying with us this week. Gemma, Tara, Clay, and Jax are going to Ireland." I packed all our stuff and picked up Abel. Tig grabbed the bags and put them in the truck bed. I buckled Abel in then went to get in the driver seat.

"Hey be careful baby. I love you. I'll be right behind you guys." he kissed me and I kissed back.

"Love you too." I got in the truck and Tig headed for his bike. I started the truck and headed out of the parking lot.


Sorry it took so long to update guys. School has been crazy! Anyway thanks for reading! Next chapter will br longer promise!

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