You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)

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"You're what?"
"Tig I'm having twins. As in two. Double." I looked him in the eyes as I said this. He looked at me with disbelief.
"Babe, we can barely handle one let alone two."
"Tigger I know but what do you want me to do about it now?"
"Don't 'Tigger' me." he said using a high pitched voice on the 'Tigger' part. I put my head down and he paced around the room. He was my Old Man and what he says goes so I just stood there and let him yell at me.
"Fuck. The club has so much heat on it already and now you're having fucking twins?!" he yelled. I went to speak but he stopped me.
"No you're not gonna talk right now. I just wanted to come home and have a good time with my wife. Go make some dinner get out of my face." he said sternly. I quietly but quickly walked to the kitchen and began to make dinner. The entire time I was crying. I thought Tig hated the babies and I. I began to make fettuccine Alfredo for dinner. When I finished I walked out to the living room to get Tig. He stared at me when I walked in. I felt sick like always and ran to the bathroom. When I stood up Chibs and Juice were standing in the doorway.
"What are you guys doing here?"
"Came to check up on ya guys. How's the baby?" Asked Chibs.
"Babies. I'm having twins and Tig isn't too thrilled." They both nodded and we began to walk back to the kitchen. Tig was already sat eating. I let the boys go first and get as much food as they wanted. I dished out my own food onto the plate and headed to the table. The only spot left was right next to Tig and I wasn't to excited about that.
I sat down and slowly began to eat while the boys talked. When everyone was done I cleaned all the dirty dishes while Tig showed them to the door. As Tig walked back into the kitchen his phone rang.
"What!? I'm busy."
"Yeah alright." he hung the phone up and looked at me.
"Go pack we're staying at the clubhouse." I finished putting away the dishes and headed to our bedroom. I packed a bag and dressed in skinny jeans,boots, and a tight fitted plaid button up. I grabbed my phone and bag and Tig and I left. We got in the truck and headed for the clubhouse. We didn't talk. We didn't even look at each other. It was silent except for the music coming from the radio. It was the song we danced to at our wedding. Tig quickly changed the station and drove faster. He was seriously scaring me since he was going so fast. He had almost wrecked the truck twice already.
"Tig slow down you're scaring me."
"Shut up." he said sternly. 5 minutes later we pulled into SAMCRO parking lot. Tig parked and rushed to get out. I got out and grabbed my bag. I started heading for the door with out waiting for Tig. Gemma was waiting for me by the door and pulled me into a hug.
"How you doing sweetheart?"
"Oh I couldn't be better." I said sarcastically.
"I take it Tig wasn't to thrilled about the twins?" I shook my head no. She gave a slight smile and lead us inside.All the boys were already in the temple. Tig walked into the clubhouse totally ignoring me and slamming the door to the temple.
"Don't worry sweetheart he'll get over it."
"I'm not to sure about that." I said putting my head down. Gemma rubbed my back sympathetically.
"Don't worry baby." Gemma and I sat there for about 30 more minutes before the boys came out. They all headed for the bar including Gemma. I sat alone and decided to go to Tigs room while they all drank. I unpacked my bag into the dressers then sat on the bed. I rubbed my stomach and the door opened. I froze. I knew it was Tig. He toed off his boots and hung his cut up. He removed his rings onto the dresser and put his gun on the bed side table. He took of his shirt and pants leaving him in just boxers.
"Go take a shower baby then come get in bed." I did as I was told and took a quick shower then threw on some shorts and a tank top. Tig was already in bed watching tv. I laid as far away as possible and silently cried so Tig wouldn't notice. Stupid hormones. As soon as Tig shut the tv off I was asleep.
Sorry it took so long to update guys!! I've been sorta busy. I hope you enjoy the story! If you have any ideas for the storyline kik me @rednecklover131

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