You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy (Arranged Marriage)

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The next day I woke up to the smell of something magnificent. Today was my 17th birthday. Tig and I met today a year ago and so many things have changed. I got out of bed and walked towards the kitchen. Tig had made French toast and and scrambled eggs with bacon. When he placed the two plates down I started walking out of the kitchen to go get the boys.
"Katie, Gemma dropped by and got the twins. She wanted to spend time with them. So we'll just pick them up tonight."
"Oh alright." I said coming back to sit at the table across from him.
"Happy Birthday."
"Thanks." I say looking down at my plate. We ate in silence and he washed all of the dishes when we were done. He turned to me when he was finished.
"I need to go to the clubhouse tonight for church."
"Let me guess I have to go with you."
"I'm not leaving you here. Especially with you being pregnant. It will be quick since we're just voting in Happy and Kozik."
"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes and standing up. Romeo came running into the kitchen wagging his little stub of a tail which actually made his whole body move. I fed him food and water then walked down the hallway to my room. We would definitely have to move with another baby coming. We didn't even have room for the twins. I grabbed some clothes from my dresser and headed to the shower. When I finished I dressed in skinny jeans, my black biker boots, and a black Stag beer shirt. I blow dried my hair then straightened it. By now it was 3:30 p.m. I had woken up late and taken a long shower. I put on eyeliner and mascara then walked out of the bathroom.
Tig was now sitting on the couch wearing jeans, biker boots, a black shirt and his cut. Even though I was mad and we were fighting I still loved him and he makes my heart soar. He looked up at me then stood, towering over my small figure. We walked to the apartment door then down the stairs out to the parking lot. We got on his bike and drove off to SAMCRO.
When we got there I got off and headed for the doors to the clubhouse without waitin for Tig. I had seen Gemma's car when we pulled up so I figured she had my sons. As I opened the door I could hear Tig walking behind me. Gemma was sitting in the couch with both of the twins carriers in front of her. I walked toward her and picked up Riley. Tig cam from the other side and picked up Kaleb but the handed him to Gemma since they called church. They boys were only in there for a few minutes before they came out. Tig was the first out and he grabbed a beer. Everyone else followed. They seemed happy except Kozik. Everything happened so fast but Kozik punched Tig in the back. I gasped and Gemma stood up with Kaleb and headed to the bar so I followed with Riley while Juice moved all the furniture out if the way. They fought for about ten minutes until Happy and Jax pulled them apart. Tig walked over to me and took Kaleb from Gemma and Gemma went to Clay.
All of a sudden the door to the clubhouse was kicked in. Tig handed me Kaleb then pushed me behind him. It was the cops and they were pointing guns telling us to get on the ground. Tig stayed standing while I slowly knelt down with everyone else in the club. The twins were crying and screaming so I just held them closer to me. One of the cops pointed a gun to Tigs head until he too got onto his knees and pulled the twins and I closer to him as the cops rampaged through the clubhouse searching. Tig and I tried to calm the twins down but it wasn't working.
Unser came walking behind all of the other cops and stopped the search saying it was a misunderstanding. Everyone slowly stood up but Tig still stood protectively in front of the twins and I. Clay went outside with Unser to talk while all the guys helped clean the clubhouse. The twins were still crying and Tig nudged me to follow to his room. Once we got there the twins began to calm down and there was a knock on the door. It was Gemma.
"You want me to watch the kids while you two spend time together?."
"Uh sure I guess. Thanks Gem." Tig replied. He turned to me and spoke again.
"C'mon I want to show you something." I followed him back outside and we got on his bike. 20 minutes later we pulled in front a small house but big enough for a family. The backyard was fenced in and there was plenty if space between this house and the next one. Tig parked and shut the bike off. We got off and I followed Tig as he took a set of keys out of his pocket.
"Tig what are we doing?" He unlocked the door and pushed it open for me to look in.
"Welcome home." he said looking down at me with a smirk.
"I bought it a few days ago. The apartment was getting a little cramped."
"Tig." I said I smiling up at him. I wrapped my arms around him hugging him tight. I let go and walked into the house cautiously looking around in the rooms. There was a master bedroom, a master bath, one other bathroom, 4 smaller bedrooms, a living room, and a kitchen. It was one story but it would be big enough to raise a family in. I turned towards Tig who had followed me through the house.
"I love it!" I squealed and hugged him again. I kissed his cheek but then let go of him and out some space in between us. I still didn't trust him. He scratched the back of his neck as I looked at my feet.
"The uh prospects and some of the guys are gonna help pack and move everything tomorrow." Tig said. I just nodded.
"What do wanna do for the rest of your birthday?" he asked. I just looked down at the floor. I wasn't sure what to say at all.
"Can we just go back to clubhouse?" I asked.
"You know what? Let's got out clubbing."
"Tig I'm not old enough."
"No but I can get you in. Remember I'm a criminal." he said smirking.
"Okay I guess."
"Alright let's go to the apartment and get ready. I'll call Gemma and see if she'll watch the boys tonight." We went out to the bike and headed to the apartment. As soon as we got there Tig called Gemma while I was in the shower. When I was done I blow dried my hair then straightened it. I dressed in a short sleek black dress that had silver sequence at the top and came up to right above my knee caps. I put on my black and silver heels then did my make up. When I was finished I grabbed my black wallet and walked out to the living room. Tig was standing there with his back to me wearing jeans, a black button up, and black cowboy boots. He looked extremely sexy as always. He turned around to look at me and his mouth dropped open.
"Holy shit you look gorgeous. As always doll." he said smirking. I smiled at him.
"Thanks Tigger." He grabbed the keys to the truck and his leather jacket and we headed out. It had gotten colder since we left the clubhouse earlier that day. I shivered an walked closer to Tig. He noticed I was shivering and gave me his jacket. I put it on as we got in the truck. We sat in silence with the radio going on the way to the club. It took 45 minutes to get there and only 10 minutes to wait in line. Once we got inside Tig found us a high table for two in the back. There was music blaring and people dancing on each other. There was a lot of guys checking me out and Tig kept giving them death glares. Sail by AWOLNATION came blaring through the speakers and a sang along with the song as went to order another beer for himself and a water for me.
I was minding my own business when a strange man came and stood next to me. I stepped back a bit and he looked me over licking his lips. He was shorter than me, very scrawny, and very unattractive. He reeked of alcohol and vomit and looked to be on drugs. He kept staring at me and took a step closer. Two of his friends gathered around me and I was tempted to scream at the top of my lungs for Tig.
"Where you think you're going pretty girl?" the man said.
"I'm pregnant. Just leave me alone. Please." I said in a shaky voice as I kept backing up.
"Now why would I want to do that? We just want to have some fun." he replied smirking. I looked behind him and saw that Tig was walking back but he was looking around the club at all the people. When his eyes met mine he dropped the drinks in his hands and ran to me. He shoved the guys out of the way and pushed me behind his back.
"Back off motherfuckers before I blow your brains out."
"Ooh is your boyfriend here to save you sweetie?" the guy said talking to me. I got closer to Tig and grabbed his shirt. My heart was racing.
"I'm her husband. Back up bastard."
"Oh I'm so scared what you gonna do? Smack me?" Right then Tig brought his right hand back in a fist and punch the guy in the jaw then brought his hand back and hit him in the nose. The guy was laying on the floor with blood coming from his nose and mouth. He spit a tooth out onto the ground and stood up.
Two Bouncers came walking over and one grabbed Tigs arm and the other grabbed me pushing towards the exit.
"Don't touch her! Let her go!" Tig yelled at the Bouncer. The Bouncer just ignored him and shoved up both out the door into the rain. Tig pulled me to him and wrapped his leather jacket around me as we walked through the rain to his truck. He started it once we were inside and turned on the heat. We sat in the parking lot for a few minutes before Tig spoke.
"Sorry I ruined your birthday."
"You didn't. I kinda wanted to go home anyway. I was starting to get sick."
"Alright let's get hime and go to bed." By the time we got home it was already 1:30 and I was dead tired. I kicked my heels off in the hallway and shimmied out of my dress as I walked into our room I laid down in bed with just a bra and underwear on crawling under the covers. Tig laid down behind me in just boxer.
"Tigger would you please get me a hoodie it's cold." Tig got out of bed groaning and grabbed one of his black hoodies giving it to me. I slipped it on over my head then laid back down. Tig laid next to me and placed his hands in my stomach and we both fell asleep smiling.
(SORRY it took so long to update. I've been really busy!)

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