2. Overtime

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My god, I'm sorry this took forever even though I said I would upload it faster. Yeah I'm just some lying moron ;w; But anyway, here's the next part and I hope it was worth the wait. I hope you guys enjoy and feedback is appreciated.

The picture above isn't mine



Each day, you made your way down to the café to meet Feliciano, or Feli as he insisted you called him. It was the only happiness in your day, and Feliciano always managed to cheer you up, no matter how bad your mood was. He'd buy you pasta and smile constantly. You'd always smile back, some were fake, some were genuine.

He didn't know what happened at home. He didn't see the bruises that peppered your body. He didn't know at all. Luckily all the cuts and bruises were below your neck, so he couldn't see them or figure anything out. You intended to keep it that way, just like you had done with everyone else you knew, you'd kept it secret for years. You lived with your 'boyfriend'. You'd met him in high school, around the last couple of months of the last year. You both got along well, and he, at some point, developed feelings for you. He confessed so sweetly and with such dedication, you couldn't refuse.

After a few months, he'd asked whether you wanted to move in with him since high school was finished with and both of you could help each other with your chosen careers. You happily accepted, since you both enjoyed each others company, why not enjoy it all the time? But you were wrong. Eventually you'd come to despise it.

You finally learnt what he was really like.

After the first few weeks, he'd occasionally get mad and hit you. You thought he'd eventually stop, and that this was just some sort of phase in your relationship. But you were wrong. Normally, he'd just hit you once or twice, but one night he'd hit you more. You'd dropped a plate, smashing it in the the process. He got mad, he shouted and he hit you. You waited for it to pass, but it was taking longer than it should. He wouldn't stop. He'd just hit you repeatedly.

You though this was just going to happen once, and he was just in a worse mood than usual. 'He'd come round eventually,' you stupidly thought. It seemed that all days became days were he was in a 'bad mood'. The situation became more and more hopeless.

Feliciano knew none of this, and went completely oblivious to your situation. Though you'd rather it stay that way. The last thing you needed was for him to get involved, he'd only end up getting hurt. He was so sweet, you just couldn't ruin that. Though, of course, the gods hadn't favoured you, and he had became involved.

It was getting late, though you did not realise it, and you and Feliciano were chatting in the café again. You'd finished a plate of pasta, while he'd finished three, he had quite the appetite. You hadn't even realised how far past your curfew it was. As you glanced down at the emptied plate in front of you, your watch caught your eye.


You instantly felt sick. Your eyes widened. You were late. Really late.

"Hey, (F/N)? What's wrong, bella?" He asked with a concerned expression. You hastily stood up from your seat as sweat trickled down your brow. How could you not have noticed!? It was dark! You hadn't even noticed how dark it was outside!

"I'm sorry! I really have to go!" You said, grabbing your purse, and slamming down whatever note you first grabbed onto the table. You packed your coat into your bag and ran off without another word, leaving Feliciano more confused than ever. You'd never been this late, you were never late. The last time you were late, he became so mad you thought he'd kill you. He'd done a good job on making sure you were never late again.

You finally arrived at your house. Hoping he wouldn't hear you, you quietly opened the door. Maybe you could sneak up to your bedroom, and trick him into thinking you had been there all along. But no such luck.

He knew, and he had been waiting at the door the entire time. You looked at him straight in the eyes and felt your heart stop with fear. He didn't look mad, he just grinned and advanced towards you. You couldn't even move your legs to run.

Meanwhile, Feliciano was left confused and befuddled by what had happened. (F/N) had gazed down at her watch, and in an instant her face went pale and her expression changed to one of panic. Was she late for something? Maybe it was just something really important. Even he hadn't noticed the time, it was dark, they'd been chatting for a while. He looked at the bill she'd left.

That wasn't right.. She'd left way too much, almost double the amount she'd have to pay. Feliciano couldn't help but worry.

What was going on?


I hope you guys enjoyed! I'll try get the next out faster than I did this time, though we all know that probably won't happen ;w; I did say I would upload it today, and it still is today in Britain though I don't know what time it is in America or wherever you guys are. Feedback is appreciated and I'll see you next time!


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