6. Nightmares

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Hey guys! I'm back with another part and it's a little longer this time because I had to combine two parts I'd already written. But I hope you enjoy! I've got loads of story ideas that I want to upload onto here, but I'm already posting two stories and I want to finish the, first. I hope you enjoy!


Where were you? Everything was dark. You spun around, in hopes of finding some sort of light, or just someone. Where the hell was this place?! All you could see for miles was pitch black.

"Hello?!" You called out into the empty darkness. After a couple of minutes of waiting, a spotlight appeared. It was a little far away, but you could just make out a figure under it. Hesitantly, you started running towards it. Whoever it was, maybe they could help you.

You were wrong.

It was him, your ex boyfriend. As you came to a halt in front of him, he smirked widely. This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all. Just as you thought you'd escaped this hell, it had came back to haunt your dreams too.

You instantly turned around to run, but he quickly grabbed your hair and pulled you back. You let out a squeal of pain as you fell to the floor. He had you trapped. You were kicked down to the floor, he ground his foot on your head, and smiled at your pain. It hurt a lot. He just put you through pain. More and more pain.

You didn't know how long it'd been, but everything hurt. He'd beaten you to a pulp, kicked you until you could no longer scream. You tried but your voice just wouldn't make a sound. Your bones ached, cuts bled out, your eyes were starting to droop, but you could make out the figure of Feliciano in the background, watching with cold eyes.

Why wasn't he helping?

You gathered all your strength and weakly lifted your hand, as if pleading for him to save you. But his eyes remained dull, it was like he didn't care. The hand you'd lifted was stomped down by your Ex-Boyfriend, you heard a painful crack, and then a strange click from above you. Looking up, your eyes instantly met a gun, and a sickening smirk. He was holding a gun to your head. Your eyes widened but you couldn't move.


You looked over to Feliciano, who turned on his heel and walked away into the darkness. Tears started to slide down your cheeks. He left you, he left you to die. The only thing you could hear over the beating of your heart, was the sound of Feliciano's footsteps as he left you behind. You Ex-Boyfriend gave one last laugh before pulling the trigger.



You shot up, sitting upright in your bed. Tears were slowly trickling down your face, and your forehead was dripping with sweat. The images still flashed over in your head. You knew it was a dream, but you couldn't help but feel that was what was going to happen. You hugged your knees close to your chest and gently rocked yourself back an forth slightly.

Was Feliciano going to leave you too?

You dried your tears and placed your head back on the soft pillow. He wouldn't do that to you, he just couldn't. You closed your eyes again and tried to go back to sleep. But you just couldn't.. The pictures in your head just wouldn't fade. You sat upright again and dangled your legs of the side of the bed. Tonight would be a sleepless night again.

You hopped of the bed and opened your bedroom door, stepping out into the hallway. You were going to go downstairs and get a drink of water, but something changed your mind. Feliciano did say if you needed something he would help; and you did need something, so to speak.. You walked up to his door, stopping in front of it. You hesitated slightly, before gripping the doorknob and tuning it slightly. You opened the door, some of the hallway light leaking through into the room.

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