Ch.5 Popped Rice

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"Hey!" I smiled when Keena suddenly hugged me from my back. I didn't notice that she's already inside our room.

"Hey too" I replied flatly.

"What's the problem? I've been here for almost fifteen minutes already and you didn't even notice me, so is the wall your friend already?" she said chuckling.

"Huh?" I said frowning because I didn't get what she meant. I am really out of focus since yesterday, since Allison rejected me.

"You've been facing the wall since I came here" she said while rolling her eyes at me.

It's my hobby to look into space whenever I feel sad or overthinking of something.

"I confessed to Allison yesterday" I said flatly.

"Oh my God, what did she say?" asked excitedly.

"She just laughed at me and degraded me afterwards" I said sadly, I don't want to elaborate more because it hurts whenever I think about it.

"Oh that's a first! well you want to be different right? Now you got what you wanted" she joked while tapping my back to console me.

"But I didn't mean it to be like this! I'd prefer to be a cliché like others than to be different and be rejected" I argued bitterly.

She didn't respond, but I know that she feels sad for me.

"You know, she became different as soon as I confessed to her, she's like a total different person back then, none of the attitude that she usually wore when everybody's around, and you know what's more frustrating?" I said while massaging my temple.

"What?" she asked frowning.

"I'm the only one who can see her true colors, I don't know if Missy too. She threatened to kick me out of this school if I told anyone that she rejected me" I said almost whispering.

I immediately checked the walls and the ceiling if there are any hidden cameras and speakers. I turned my attention back to her when started laughing.

"You looked funny, stop doing that" She said while slapping the bed in so much happiness.

"I'm serious!" I said while stomping my feet on the floor.

"I'm sorry" she said before pretending to be serious.

"Come to think of it. Allison is the owner and everyone here adores her, do you think if you spread rumors about her alter ego they will believe you?" she asked while massaging her chin.

"Of course--" I didn't had the chance to finish because she interrupted me.

"Of course not! Even me, I wouldn't believe you if you weren't my friend, and honestly I still doubt it" I sighed because I got her point, reality sucks.

"Are you sure you really like her?" she added.

It's already love, I know it's too fast but I've never felt like this before. She's the first person to make me feel this way.

"I love the sweet and perfect Allison"

"What about the bitch Allison?" She asked while raising her brow.

"Don't call her bitch" I reproached her.

I don't want anyone to call her like that. She may be a bitch to me but I know that she's good to everyone.

"Okay, you don't have to answer because I already know" she said while nodding.

"Of course I love her, whatever her attitude towards me may be" I said honestly.

But I'm not a V A M P I R E (GxG, Lesbian) °editing°Where stories live. Discover now