Chapter 3

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I look around me but it's crowded and I can't go anywhere. As he comes closer I take a deep breath and think by myself "okay, how bad can this be?".

"Hey", he says and he grabs my hand. "Let's go outside, alright?"

I look cagey at him but nod nevertheless and follow him. Not sure of how I feel I decide to just get along and see where it'll end. He walks through the backdoor and leads me through the garden towards the forest that's behind it. I'm starting to feel nervous.

"Where are you taking me, Harry?" I ask, quite suspicious. "Going into the woods has never ended well for a girl."

"Don't worry, I'm not taking you there" he says, sounding a little annoyed. "Just trust me and follow me alright?"

"Trust you?" I say. "I barely know you?"

Harry stops and turns around. "Just trust me okay? I want to show you something" he says.

"Hm alright then" I say eventually, following him still with my hand in his.

Soon we get to a lake, with a little pier with cute lights on it.

"Harry, what is this?" I ask, a little surprised while he walks up on the pier.

"This, m'lady" he says, while he spreads his arms, "This is the place where I used to go to when I felt sad, lonely or simply nothing"

"Why do you take me here?" I ask, confused but also feeling flattered and I walk up to him. "Why now? We're at a party"

Harry chuckles, sighs and looks around.

"What did you even do here in Bristol? Weren't you from a small town more up north?" I ask.

"Yes, but we came here for holidays," he says. "But sometimes I wanted to get away so I came here."

I nod. "Alright, I get that."

I look around and lean on the wooden balustrade. It's getting a bit cold and I get goose bumps.

"You cold?" Harry asks.

"A little, but it's fine" I say and I smile. "It's a nice place actually. I might go here sometimes, if you don't mind I'm stealing your spot."

He chuckles. "No, of course not" he says. "From what I've heard from Louis you could use a runaway spot too sometimes."

"Yeah, I do" I sigh. "What did he tell you?"

Harry looks at the water. "A lot, actually" he says eventually. "He really miss you, Sophie. He talks about you a lot so you might understand why we were so eager on meeting you."

"Alright," I laugh. "But tell me some of the things Louis told you."

"Hmm, okay," Harry says. "Well, your parents are pretty wealthy, you have a brother who is quite wild. You're popular, straight A's but never miss a party. Boys kiss your feet and girls want to be you."

I laugh. "Well, that last part I'm not so sure of but he's pretty right."

"I even heard from Louis that people choose to go to your college because you applied there." Harry says.

I burst out in laughter. "Well I have no clue really!"

Harry laughs, but gets disturbed by a boy shouting.

"Oi, Edwards!" he shouts. I look up, right in the eyes of Cook. "What are you doing here?"

I sigh, roll my eyes and straighten my back.

"James, what a pleasure to meet you here!" I say, faking a happy sound.

"I know right," he says. "And who's the lad with you?"

"James, this is Harry. Harry, this is James. Also known as Cook," I say. "Harry is a friend of my nephew."

"Oh yeah, about that," Cook says. "He is quite getting it on with Megs, in case you wanted to know."

I sigh, harry chuckles.

"Anyway, the party is wild so you should join me again yeah?" Cook says, while locking his arm with mine. "Shall we?"

"Alright, Cook," I say, turning around to Harry. "You coming?" I ask.

"Yeah in a minute," He says. "I'll meet you there."

"Alright", I say and I walk away with Cook.

"So beautiful, how's your summer been so far?" he asks.

"It's been pretty boring really, haven't done much except for laying by the pool and going out with whoever is still here." I reply. "How's yours?"

"It's been alright, but now I have you by my side everything is better now" he smirks, pulling me closer with his arm around my waist.

I have a little history with cook, even though he definitely isn't my type. He's the bad boy, I'm the popular posh girl. Perfect story for a book or movie really. I really like him as a friend and my parents hate him, which makes it even better. I like to do anything my parents don't want me to do.

Cook and I walk, arms locked in each other's, inside the house again. Soon Megan's eyes meet mine and I walk up to her in the kitchen.

"So, you traded Harry for Cook?!" she says surprised. "Really Soph? Harry is a god and then you have Cook... I expected more from you." She looks at him with a dirty look.

"Oi, talk about yaself girl" Cook says and walk away.

"Megs come on. Don't be so rude," I say. "We're just friends. And besides, I'm not here to find my lover for the night, unlike you. I think it's rather sad."

I walk away but before I leave the kitchen I turn around.

"By the way, Megan," I say while I put the emphasis on 'Megan'. "You shouldn't expect anything from me. Remember that I am the one who made you popular? Without me you wouldn't even be here now." I give her a little smile and walk away.

I walk through the front door and sit on the steps. Cook joins me.

"That was rude," he eventually says. "But thank you."

I smile and say "No problem, not that you needed it but she's been having this attitude lately."

"I know," he says, throwing pebbles.

All of a sudden, Cook jumps up and reaches for my hand.

"How about you and I get out of here?" He says.

I grab his hand and stand up too. "Alright, where do you want to go?"

"I don't know," He says. "Anywhere."

"Alright," I say, but when we walk away I hear someone shouting my name. I turn around and my eyes meet Harry's.

"Where are you going?" He asks, looking disappointed.

"Anywhere," I say. "But call me!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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