Flowers in the Cave

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Hello one, hello all, to this weeks article of the beloved column, Flowers in the Cave! :D

So, this week I did my personal favourite genre, romance! <3 Yes, my dear readers, I am a hopeless romantic xD Anyways, I had the privilege to interview dancingemily about her book 'Ruthless'. I've just started reading it, and I'm in love <3 I highly suggest you all go read it! Now, without further ado, the interview! :)


Julia: So, dancingemily, what would you like me to call you in this interview?

dancingemily: Well, my real name is Emily, so you can just call me that :)

Julia: Okay:) Could you give a brief description of your book to the readers?

Emily: My book is about a 19 year old girl named Kaitlyn. She had her heart broken last year and has lost all belief in love. That's until she meets Connor Johnson. They become friends, and maybe even more. But Connor has a secret that could change everything, and Kaitlyn has to decide whether she wants to fight for their love or not. Basically, the book revolves around Connor's secret, but I'm always unsure of whether I should reveal that in the description or not.

Julia: Intriguing, and its called 'Ruthless' correct? How did you come up with the title?

Emily: Yea, I came up with the title Ruthless, because I've always had a certain fascination with the word, especially since English is not my main language. The word "Ruthless" describes the book, and also life really well, I think :)

Julia: I'm always jealous of people who can speak other languages, you're doing a great job, so much I thought English was your first language :) What inspired you to write the book?

Emily: Oh, thank you, that's great to hear! What inspired me would probably be that I wanted to write something real, and steer away a little from the most popular genres today. I wanted to do something a little different, and write about how hard and unfair life can really be.

Julia: No problem :) Nice, lots of romance books are a bit unrealistic these days, its always nice to find one that's more realistic :D Have you encountered any problems writing the book so far?

Emily: Not so much, no. Actually, I started writing the book half a year ago, and it was mostly finished when I started posting it on Wattpad. Of course, I had my share of writer's block, but I never got tired of writing it, so the process went pretty well all over :)

Julia: Thats always good to hear :) Who's your favorite character from the book and why?

Emily: Hmm, it's hard to choose... It's mostly Connor, Kailtyn and Connor's friend Aiden. Connor and Kaitlyn are my two main characters and it's mostly them the book is all about, so that kind of explains itself. But the reason I like Aiden is because it was really fun to write all of his conversations. I think he's one of the more complex characters, because he seems like a player and a funny guy, but he also cares a lot about his friends and is always there for both Connor and Kaitlyn.

Julia: Mhmm, Aiden sounds cool :) Okay, last question, what do you want your readers to take away from your book?

Emily: Firstly, I want readers to enjoy the book and maybe get a little lost in it and escape from their own lives for a while, like I love to when I read books. And it's always good if a book makes you think, so if mine can do that to someone, that would be great!

Julia: Very nice, thank you for your time :)

Emily: No problem, thank you so much for interviewing me!

Julia: Your welcome! :)


Now go! Go and read her book! I know you all want to ;D

Next week will either be paranormal or short stories, comment which one you'd prefer! Until next time...


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