A Very Malec Christmas

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Alec ran into the living room jumping like an excited 5-year-old and Magnus couldn't help but laugh at the sight in front of him. It was finally Christmas day, not only that but it was also Alec's first true Christmas. He would still attend the party at the institute but this year Magnus decided it was time to show him a true Christmas.

Only a few days ago did they put up the tree. Magnus had magicked it in but they both worked together to decorate it by hand.

It was 6am and Magnus felt like he owed it to Alec to get up early. Alec ran up to Magnus and flung his arms around his neck kissing Magnus as passionately as he could muster. Magnus smiled but pulled away. 'Save that for tonight.' Magnus smirked as a deep red blush appeared on Alec's pale skin.

Magnus took Alec's hand and led him towards the kitchen. He had bought some microwavable pancakes the day before, he didn't want to cook on Christmas. Alec loved them so he didn't care that he was being extremely lazy.

Alec got the maple syrup from one of the cabinets and as soon as the pancakes were done, smothered them in the gooey sauce. They each picked bits off the pancake and eating it slowly until Magnus shouted 'catch!' and threw a bit of pancake directly at Alec's mouth. He only just caught it but when he threw a piece back Magnus wasn't lucky enough to catch it and it landed on his designer top.

'Oh, it's on!' Magnus shouted and picked up a whole pancake and threw it at Alec who somehow managed to catch it in his mouth again but in doing so tripped over his own feet and onto the floor. Magnus was used to this, he may have been a shadowhunter but he was nonetheless clumsy.

Alec hit the floor but immediately got up and tried to pretend nothing happened. Magnus stifled a giggle but couldn't hold it in and within seconds they were both laughing so much they could hardly breathe.

'Come on, we have some presents to buy!' Magnus shouted.

'I told you we shouldn't have left it so late, IT'S ALREADY CHRISTMAS!' Alec's jokey tone was only slightly covering the worried tone underneath but Magnus was an expert at last minute Christmas gifts.

'It's fine. Who do we have left to buy for?' Magnus asked without a tone of sarcasm at all for once.

'Only Clary and Simon.' He replied after pondering for a couple of seconds. He couldn't help but stare at him, his concentration face was so adorable that he already wanted to just kiss him and forget about Christmas.

'Fine, but we better go soon.' Magnus sighed in defeat as he realised they couldn't just sit around all day. 'But at least we're going SHOPPING!' Just the word itself made Magnus cheer up. He grabbed Alec's hand and practically dragged him out the door before realising neither of them were properly dressed. He sighed again and dragged Alec back inside who, although looked slightly frightened, had a small smile playing on his face. Magnus could tell he was excited.


It had to be shopping, didn't it? I would do anything for Magnus but did that have to include shopping? I sighed but let him hand a bunch of clothes to me, waiting for me to put them on. I slowly got changed, knowing Magnus would be much longer, and waited half an hour before Magnus appeared from the bedroom. He was wearing the usual glitter but went with a cheesy green and red colour scheme that made me cringe. I was wearing all black still but Magnus had forced me to wear a shirt knowing that it was the most he could get away with.

He dragged me out the door and made sure to do no more than hold my hand, I was glad that he knew how uneasy I felt in public. I had a smile on my face even though I knew what was coming next. We reached the mall in record time and we took three hours roaming stores and by the end we still had nothing.

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