Oh heck no! :/

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Megan's POV

As we came back from the park I sighed of tiredness if your wondering we've been there for 5 freaking hours!

"Ugggg I'm so tired aren't you?" I asked char she nodded 'no' and I gasped.

"Kids these day" I groaned once again.

"Mama can we wawch twv" she asked

"Of course we can watch tv but only for an hour because its almost bed time" I said and she awwed because she doesn't want to sleep but it's almost 9:00 pm she usually has to go to sleep.

Hour later

"Time for bed" I said she booed sleeping.

"You leave me no choice" I said and tickled her as she laughed her bum off.

"STOP PWEESE STOP" she said laughing "are you going to sleep?" I asked stopping she nodded and then I threw her over my shoulder making her giggle.

I carried her up the steps and I laid her on her bed then tucked her in.

"Good night baby girl" I kissed her and left her room.

"Nighty night momma" she shouted so I could hear before I closed the door leaving me a smile.

As I walked down the steps I went to the fridge to see if theirs any food for me to eat.

"Darn." I said "there's no food" I said to myself "oh well I'll just go to Mcd's" I shrugged.

I call ally to see if she could help me.

"Hey Alissa can you come over and watch Charlie for 10 mins?" I said.

"Yea sure" she said through the phone

"Kay thanks." I said and then hung up.

She came after 15 mins and then I

Left to

I walked in to the what ever you call it restaurant or store or whatever and ordered 10 chicken nuggets with barbecue sauce & sprite.

As I sat down and ate half of my nuggets and drank some of my sprite, the door jingled and some one walked in I turned around and you won't BELIVE who I saw my worst nightmare...


CLIFFHANGER hahahahahaha I need at least 2 comments for next update



Hi guys I need a nickname to call you guys since you know every author calls you guys something so write some in the comment section plz and thank you!

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