Grell's Unexpected Visit

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"SEBAS-CHAAAAAAAN~!" Grell's voice could be heard echoing down the drive.

The butler in question huffed and brought a hand to his forehead in exasperation.

"Sebastian, this is an order, get rid of it." Ciel said with a dismissive wave. The earl was now used to Grell's antics and he was getting very tired of the gender confused reaper.

"Yes, my lord." Sebastian bowed.

Grell was just running up the steps ready to knock when the door swung open. He lost his balance, falling through the doorway and onto the floor. He was met with a pair of black polished shoes.

"Oh Bassy, I missed you~!" Grell exclaimed, getting up off the floor and grabbing hold of Sebastian's hand. The butler shrugged him off.

"Whilst it is rather nice to see you," Sebastian said sarcastically. "I must ask you to vacate the premises. My Lord does not wish to hear your unpleasant screeching, and quite frankly, neither do I."

"Oh Bassy you do wound me!" Wailed Grell. "That is not how you treat a lady." He swung his death scythe over his shoulder and blew some of his vibrant hair out of his face.

"Well I shall be thankful I am not talking to a lady then." The butler replied. Grell gasped.

"Sebas-chan! I am a lady thank you very much!"

Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "I think not. Now leave." There was a slight venomous tone in his voice.

"Only if you kiss me!" Grell said cheekily. A foot connected with his face.

Grell flew through the air and crashed onto the stone floor at the bottom of the steps.

"I am very certain that I asked you to leave, Grell. My master ordered me to get rid of you, he did not specify how. I politely asked you to vacate the premises and you did not. It seems I will have to try another method to see that my master is never disturbed by you again."

Grell watched in horror as Sebastian descended down the steps, a creepy smile on his face.

"Sebas-chan I-" Grell was cut off my the butler's foot connecting with his side.

"This should be easier now that you don't have dear William to save the day." Said Sebastian in a mockingly sweet tone.

"Bassy sto-" He was cut off again as Sebastian pulled him up by the hair.

"You really are a nuisance. Honestly Grell, why don't you just stop? It is quite clear that you annoy your coworkers. You're alone Grell. And you always will be." Sebastian's words stung more than the kicks he had thrown. A tear slipped out of Grell's emerald eyes.

Sebastian took Grell's moment of weakness to successfully snatch Grell's death scythe. Grell attempted to grab it back, only to be pushed to the floor.

Sebastian started up the engine and it roared to life. Grell began to run as far away from the demon as he could but was pulled back by his coat.

"Let's paint you in that beautiful colour you love so much." Sebastian said with a smile. He spun Grell around so they were face to face. Grell looked into Sebastian's cold and unfeeling eyes. Sebastian raised the scythe and Grell could only watch as he slashed it against his side.

Blood instantly poured from he wound. Grell cried out and clutched at his side, trying to stem the blood flow. His attempt was in vain and he dropped to his knees.

"Sebastian please-"

"Ah, no pet name. I seem to be getting through to you. Good." Sebastian smiled again. He raised the scythe once more, bringing it down across Grell's stomach. Grell screamed and began to cough, blood spraying out on his hands.

"I-I'm s-sorry!" Grell shouted.

Sebastian stood up straight, seemingly pondering something. "You're going to leave now, aren't you Grell?" He asked, as if talking to a small child. Grell nodded. "Well, I'll let you live then. You are annoying, but I don't wish to have any other shinigami to deal with. Not that they would mourn you, of course, it's just that they would take any chance to kill a demon. We are enemies after all." An other tear slipped out of Grell's eye. Sebastian then came uncomfortably close to his face. "Now, if I see you disturbing my master again, I will not hesitate to kill you. Do you understand?" His voice was a harsh whisper.

"Y-yes!" Grell cried.

Satisfied, Sebastian stood up straight, brushing down his uniform. He sighed. "Look at the state of my tailcoat. It has blood on it now. My young master will not be pleased." He then proceeded to walk away. "Oh, and you can have this back now, I have no use of it."

Sebastian threw the death scythe into Grell's direction and it connected harshly with Grell's stomach. Grell cried out in pain and pushed the death scythe off his injury. He started coughing up more blood and fell onto his back in agony.

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