You're No Nuisance

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Grell did not stir as William began to stitch his wound. Will furrowed his eyebrows in concern but carried on stitching. The wound was still bleeding quite heavily and Grell was becoming paler by the minute.

I'll kill whoever did this to him. Will thought to himself. How dare they touch my Grell! Wait- 'my'? Grell isn't mine. Pull yourself together, Spears.

After stitching up Grell's side, Will evaluated his stomach. It was quite a long gash, but not as deep as the other incision. Nevertheless, Will began to stitch it shut and he dabbed antiseptic onto the wounds to prevent infection. Grell stirred slightly at this.

Will froze. "Grell?" He questioned. Grell didn't move. "Grell can you hear me?" A small, pained sigh passed the shinigami's pale lips. "Open your eyes." Will commanded softly. Grell eventually did so.

"W-w-William?" He stuttered, his eyes scanning the room.

"Yes, it's me, Grell." Will couldn't help the small upturn of his lips, he was so relieved. "Are you alright?"

At the question, Grell's eyes filled with tears. "N-no." He choked out.

Will frowned and moved closer to the crying shinigami. He wasn't really sure what to do, he wasn't used to comforting people or showing emotion. He opted for patting Grell's shoulder in what he hoped was a comforting gesture. Grell shuffled closer to Will, thankful for the contact and rested his head on the older shinigami's shoulder. Will tensed slightly before relaxing and putting an arm around Grell.

"Who did this to you?" He whispered.

"I... I don't want t-to talk about it!" Grell exclaimed between cries. "I-I should go. I've in-inconvenienced you enough." He moved to get up off the couch.

"No wait! Grell stop! You're not leaving in this condition." Will said sternly.

"What do y-you care?!" Grell shouted. "You don't usually!"

Will flinched like he'd just been punched. Grell... doesn't think I care? I know I can be cold and distant but... I never thought...

"Grell don't go." He said, trying to remain with his calm voice.

"I have to. I'm just... I'm just a nuisance!" He cried. Will stepped closer to him and grabbed hold of Grell's shoulders, looking him right in the eyes.

"You are not a nuisance, Grell. Now stop this and come here."

Will then wrapped his arms gently around Grell and held him close, not caring for the blood getting onto his suit. Grell cried softly, too weak after his outburst.

"Now what happened? Who did this?" Will questioned again.

"It was..." Grell bit his lip and closed his eyes. Will would be so annoyed when he found out he'd visited the butler again. "It was Sebastian."

Will's eyebrow twitched. That... that... demon was responsible for this?! He seethed. They really are horrid creatures!

"I'll kill him." He muttered and sat Grell back down. "I won't let him get away with this." He said with finality.

"No William leave it I'm not worth it." Grell whispered.

"Yes you are. I won't let him get away with hurting one of my-" What was Grell to him? A coworker? A friend? Something more than that?

"It doesn't matter!" Grell interjected. "Its just the excuse you've been waiting for to kill him."

Will looked confused. "What are you talking about, Grell?"

"You don't really care! None of you do! I'm just an annoyance."

"That's not true!" Will argued. "You're one of the best reapers I know, you're an incredible fighter. You're flamboyant and funny and I..." Will blushed. "I couldn't imagine life without you there." Am I really admitting this? To Grell of all people?

"W-what?" Grell squeaked.

"I-I m-mean... the office wouldn't be the same, I- I mean you're always so happy and livening up the place and..." He trailed off, embarrassed.

"Y-you mean that?" Grell whispered. Will nodded, his face as red as Grell's hair. "Oh William~!" He cried as he engulfed Will in a hug.

Red Is The Colour Of Love ~A Grell FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now