The Amazing Adventures of X-Ray and Vav!

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"Gaaav! You hit me!! I only had one and a half hearts left!" Ray yells as his minecraft character falls to the ground while his gubbins scatter across the floor. Gavin squeals into his mic and starts laughing. Ray gives him a displeased look.

"Ah I'm sorry X-Ray, no hard feelings?" Gavin asks; holding out his fist towards Ray. He hesitates for a moment, then breaks out into a smile.

"Yea, sure Vav, no hard feelings" Ray fist pumps Gavin and the whole Achievement Hunter crew scream out "X-RAY AND VAV!!!" Gavin and Ray look at each other and grin, then quickly go back to the minecraft let's play. 


"Alright Lads and Gents, well done. That was a well spent 2 hours recording. Gav, you should get a good Let's Play out of that" Geoff says as he rises from his chair. "Anyone coming for lunch?" He asks. Jack and Michael chirp up and walk to the door. Geoff motions to Ryan.

"I think I'll stay here for a bit" Ryan says going back to his computer. Gavin and Ray say the same and go back to their own computers.

"Alright, laters boys!" Geoff waves goodbye and walks out the room with Jack and Michael; closing the door behind them.

"Lads I have a job for you. It's pretty big, and I don't know all the details but I really need your help" Ryan pleads.

"Sure, what's up Ryan. My R and R connection is tingling and not in the good way" Ray says smirking. Ryan looks down at his feet for a few seconds, then looks up at the two people who could make everything right again. He breaths in and opens his mouth, hesitates for a second then begins.

"Edgar has been stolen. I-I went to check on him yesterday after work and...he was gone"  He drops his head as Ray and Gavin look at each other for a moment, then back at Ryan. 

"Are you sure Ryan?" Gavin asks. "You could have imagined him not being there..."

"NO! I didn't imagine it, he is really gone, poof!" Ryan exclaims. Ray put a hand on Ryan shoulder.

"Don't worry Ryan, X-Ray and Vav are on the case"

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