Chapter 24 - The Problem

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"Problems. We all have them and they get in the way of living the life we want to life. So, we have to find a way past them to truly be happy."


The Soldiers.
They trashed Leno's house. He equipment was everywhere in his work space. His kitchen ransacked. Furniture was thrown everywhere. They had left nothing untouched... except the closet Erudessa and Edwin had hid in. Something about that felt wrong and confusing. How was it that they had remained safe while the rest of his home was trashed?

Edwin and Erudessa sat in the waiting room as Leno paced up and down the hallway. He was so distressed. It felt wrong to have put him in a position like that, but he told them that he was happy to do it. Two of his friends were in danger and he had to help. It wouldn't be long before that help had no meaning. Gregor would find them and get what he wanted. It was only a matter of time.

They had to get out of the city if they wanted to get away from him, but they didn't really have anywhere to go. Even if they could make it outside the city, they would have to find a place to settle. It didn't seem likely that they would. Raecasta wasn't known for its hospitality. It was rare to find inns outside big cities, and if they wanted to lay low, big cities would have to remain off their radars. There was only one place to go, and that was home.

Erudessa had one hope, but it was unlikely that they would help. Grimm was her hope. If she could find some glimmer of something left between them and the friendship they had, he could be willing to help them in some way. She didn't know how she would need that help though. She would have to figure that out before she had a hope of him helping.

Whatever it was that Gregor wanted, Erudessa knew he couldn't have it. Just the fact that he was so desperate for it made her know that it wasn't a good idea for him to have it. If he wanted it, it would mean bad things for the world. Nothing good ever came out of Gregor wanting something. Even King Eben knew that and hated it.

Leno finally stopped pacing and went into the waiting room. "You two should go home and rest. It should be safe for now. But, in the morning, I suggest you get to moving. Go up into the Dead Zone or the Devastation for a while. It will be safe up there until Gregor loses hope of finding you. I will watch after Megara for you."

"The Devastation? Isn't it incredibly dangerous there?" Erudessa asked, rubbing her stomach in an attempt to numb or sooth the pain.

"Yes, but it's safer there than here," Leno sighed, putting his hand on top of hers. "Go home and get some rest. You both need it."

So, that's what they did. Erudessa and Edwin went home, hugging the walls and shadows so they weren't seen. Erudessa would jump at the slightest howl of wind. Everything resonated so loudly in her ears. The pain in her stomach increased which each step, but somehow, she wasn't nearly as bad as Edwin. He was trailing behind her slightly and he looked completely exhausted. His steps were clumsy and he was about ready to tilt over.

It was a miracle that he made it back in one peace. Erudessa had to help him up to his bed though. He slowly got under the sheets, looking incredibly pale. As Erudessa turned to leave, Edwin grabbed her wrist. She turned back to him.

"Erudessa, I..." He looked away, unsure.


"I'm glad you're okay. Goodnight," He sighed and let go off her wrist.

What was that about? She narrowed her eyes, but then smiled. "Goodnight."

She left his room and went into her own. She fell asleep moments after she got into bed.

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