Chapter 26 - The Visitor

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"We are all visitors. Whether it is visiting someone or visiting this world. We have an obligation to visit and accept visitors. Even if we don't want to."

There was a time in her life where Erudessa wouldn't have been stunned. Back when she was an Assassin, or at least training to be one, she had learned to adjust to change and make assessments on how it would affect her mission. General Ren who kill her if he found out how much she changed. Everything she once was, the Assassin who was unfazed and had the keenest senses, that was all gone. And this had to be the one thing the proved it.

She shouldn't have been how she was. She should have adjusted to the situation. Instead, she stood there with her mouth wide open as the sounds of the snowstorm pounded against the cottage. So many questions ran through her head, but only that one came out. 'What are you doing here?' It didn't seem like the right question to ask, especially when she got the reaction she did.

"Where else would I be?"

She wasn't ready for that kind of reply. Honestly, she wasn't ready for any reply. This wasn't how she expected the day to go. First, she decided not to leave with Edwin. Then, Gregor told her she had to betray Grimm. Finally, this. She didn't know what to do or what to say. All she knew was she had to say something. Staring in stunned silence would get her nowhere, but she knew if she did start talking, the questions wouldn't stop coming out.

Originally, she would have just brushed something like this off. That was before she regained the ability to feel her emotions strongly. Everything was heightened these days. Happiness, anger, sadness. It hit her more than before. She didn't know what to do in a situation like this. It certainly wasn't what she expected to happen when she came home.

She gathered her thoughts, trying to think out a way to approach this. It was the first thing she was ever taught. Think things through before doing anything. Even if she didn't think rationally, at least she would have a place to start. So, she took a deep breath.

"You wouldn't be here," She replied as coolly as possible, removing her cloak. "Why would you be here?"

"I guess you have a point. I really shouldn't be here, but I had nowhere else to go. No one else to go to," He sighed, wringing his hands. "You were the only person I could go to."

She crossed her arms, walking over to stand in front of the hearth. "Really? The only person?"

"Yes," He said, turning towards her. "I need your help."

"But, you have hundreds at your disposal. What could I do for you?" She asked, leaning against the mantel. The fire warmed her cold, wet legs. It felt good.

"Sure, I have a lot of people who could help me with various things, but none would commit treason for me," He said.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "You want me to commit treason for you? Please tell me this is a joke."

She knew it wasn't. There had been no indication in his voice that it was such. He was being honest. He wanted her to commit treason. Why was everyone so needy? First, Gregor wanting her to betray Grimm. Now, she had to commit treason. Seems like she could never escape who she was. Maybe it would have been a good idea to leave. She wouldn't be in this much trouble.

"This is no joke. I need you, Erudessa. You are the only one who can do this," He said, sitting on the couch.

"Listen, I am not who I used to be. I can't just return to a life I am trying my hardest to get away from," She sighed. "You can't ask me to do that."

He stood up and walked over to her. Anger raged in his eyes. "You need to do this. The fate of this kingdom rests on you. It wasn't a coincidence that you were brought up the way you were. This is what you were meant to do."

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