Chapter 30 - The Battle

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"We all fight battles. Sometimes it is not intended to battle enemies far stronger than us. We do not intend to die, but we also do not intend to live forever."


The Snow.
It stopped falling before the day was over like Erudessa thought it would. She and Edwin sat in front of the window and watched it fall while Erudessa finally told Edwin about what Gregor wanted her for and how Adan how showed up afterward asking that she kill Rowe. Edwin listened silently. Every time his face would scrunch up in confusion at something she said, Erudessa had to hide the smile and laugh that wanted to come out. She didn't even know what was confusing to him. Everything she said was so simple.

After she caught him up on the trials of her life, he went upstairs to check on Megara. It was so weird to think that she was his niece. Even weirder that there was the possibly that it was her niece as well. That was only if Reyna was the Regalia who was her sister. Her life couldn't get any weirder. Well, it could. It always did. Another weird thing, Fredric's hand being on fire and him disappearing into smoke. Guess that cleared up how he got through the storm.

There was a calm feeling that settled within Erudessa as she stared out the window at the settling snow. For the first time in the past few days, there was no one barging into the house for some strange reason. She knew it wouldn't last. It never did. There were still so many possibilities that could walk through that door, especially now that the storm was over. So many people, so many problems. When would the storm of her life end. Would it end?

Edwin came back to the stairs just as there was a knock on the door. Erudessa sighed and thought, I knew it couldn't last forever. Then she stood up and faced the door as Edwin opened it. Not very much to her surprise Grimm was standing on the other side, holding a scroll tightly in his hands. His eyes went from Edwin to Erudessa and he smiled sheepishly looking back at Edwin.

"Hello, can I speak with Erudessa?" He asked. "Privately."

Edwin looked back at Erudessa with a cocked eyebrow.

She nodded and Edwin stepped aside. Grimm came in, and then Edwin closed the door and went back upstairs. He looked slightly frustrated which was understandable. He just came down. Grimm walked over to Erudessa.

"Reyna said you wanted to talk," He sighed after a long period of silence.

"They want you," She said with thinking. "They want you and the Night Watch."

He stared at her with a frown, but his smile returned again. "I know. Head Councilman Gregor wants to bring me to justice."

She rubbed the back of her hand, absently. "He's not going to stop until he gets what he wants. I don't you'll last the year no matter what I do."

"Well, I already saw that coming. He's wanted to get me for years. Ever since I gained the position, really. I knew my fate would come at his hands. Hand me over when he asked for me, but first, there is something you need to know about Edwin," He said, glancing at the staircase.

"Whatever you tell me won't change how I feel about him. I know who he is and who he was," She said, crossing her arms. "Whatever you say can't be that bad."

He smiled. "It isn't bad, but good. This mission I went on was one that took me to someone who has traveled all across Arvellon and Erador. He is the son of one of the original Watchers, one who worked with my grandfather. He told me a story about this group called the Starlight Search. It's basically Arvellon's Night Watch. And who is supposed to take over leading them?"

She stared at him blankly until the realization struck her. Her eyes went wide and she gaped. "Edwin."

He nodded. "I didn't like him at first, but from what I've heard about him, I think he's an okay guy. I have also realized my mistakes. I thought because you looked like Cornelia, you were her. You aren't and I need to get over her. I have more important things to do, like die for my cause."

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