Chapter 2(Morgan Smith talked to me)

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Norm's POV

I practically died of a heart attack when I met thee Morgan Smith. But I played it off as I didn't know her so it actually worked. I'm a genius.

Jake,Jake,Jake do you have any idea who we just talked to,"I said unable to wipe the grin off my face

He shook his head,"no I have no idea who she is other than she is a nice lady and her sister is adorable

Norm rolls his eyes,"she is the youngest avatar driver EVER!!!!!!,"he stressed,"not to mention she has spoken na'vi all her life up until a few years ago did she learn English,"

Jake's eyes widened,"impressive

Norm nodded his head vigorously.
He leaned and whispers,"they said she has the most beautiful avatar ever and after personally meeting her I can't agree more.

Jake laughs,"yeah I agree to bbbuuuttt,"he frowns,"you are too old for her she is only 17 norm your 23

Norm sighs,"your right I don't know what I was thinking

Jake smirks,"I have a feeling I know what you were thinking

Norm rolled his eyes,"let's get to the biolab to see our avatars Jake

Thanks for reading peeps tell what you think in the comments

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