Chapter One

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Jocelyn's P.O.V.

It was the night we were all finally going to go out together, all five of us! We've all come over to finally meet in Orlando Florida. It feels awesome to meet each other, it's just been kik and Facebook messages for three years already. Now it's finally time!

I finally got off the plane with my bags, I really didn't know where I was going. Just looking for a sign that said Joey. Joey was my nickname, or I'm called Joe for even shorter. I went and sat a bench still looking around. It was getting late and I needed to get to my hotel fast. I took out my phone and looked at the message. It was a message from Janie, it said:

"Hey loser! Why are you sitting?

And what's up with that hair?! Haha cx"

I looked around quickly. She was probably just fucking with me. As I started to put my phone away I got another message, this time from Angel it reads"

"Did I come all the way from Pennsylvania to see

you sitting on your ass?"

I looked around again to see...No one. I grunted and again just when I was about to put my phone up another message! Whoopy fucking diddledoo! This time the message was from Charlie:

"Just look it front of you dumbass!"

I looked ahead to see Addilyn, Janie, Charlie, and Angel a few meters away from me waving. I jumped up as quickly as possible and started running towards them. We all got together in a group hug and laughed. Just when we all pulled away I was hit the back of the head. "Are you blind or something? We've been standing here for a long time waiting for you to notice!" shouted Addilyn. I hit her arm and laughed "I was on a long ass flight over here and I'm tired so shut up!" I replied. We all started walking outside to were a car was waiting. "Where's our ride?" Angel asked looking around. "Right in front of you!" Addi said. It was a small little black thing with a bump on the side. Janie turned to Addi and raised an eyebrow. Addi chuckled "Just shut up and put your crap in the trunk". We all shoved our things in the trunk and stuffed ourselves in the "shit pit" Charlie named it. It kinda was an awkward car ride since we've never actually spoken before. It turned out Janie, Angel, and Charlie were all staying at the same hotel. Addi dropped them off there and then me at my hotel. "Don't let any pervs into your room! And do take candy from strangers!" Addi yelled driving away. I chuckled at her and walked in the hotel. I took out my phone and started kiking Angel

Me: Haaylo dere!


Me: das kewl

Angel: you wanna come?

Me: Nah I'm gonna go and relax

Angel: ok well have fun

I was looking at my phone and went to the front desk. I gave the lady my info. and she gave me the key to my room and some water. I turned around and bumped into someone. Which caused me to drop my phone. I grunted and bent to pick it up. "I'm so so sorry miss. Is your phone ok? I wasn't looking where I was going" the man asked. He had a bit of a Swedish accent in there, but it was barely noticeable. "No it's cool I should've..." I said as I looked up at him. Whoa. He's attractive. He chuckled. I swear to God I almost fangirled in public. "Well I'm glad it's fine, you should get going. It's dangerous in Orlando at night." he said letting me through. I passed him and went to my room. I walked in and remembered to breath.

After that I took a shower and went to lay down. I put on an Owl City song and fell slowly asleep.

I was awoken by a loud buzz I looked around and then realized it was my phone. I picked it up and looked at my messages. It was from Angel:


Me: don't get ahead of yourself we'll discuss this tomorrow.

I sent the message and turned off my phone so I wouldn't be woken up again.

Angel's P.O.V.

It's boring in the hotel so I guess I'll go out for a bit. Joe doesn't wanna come along though. Bitch. Oh well. I walked out of the room and towards the lobby. The hotel doesn't have any good drinks so I went to the corner store. There was a short line so I got some lemonade and went in line. The place smelt like rotten milk and moldy muffins. I went to the cashier and she scanned my drink "$2.99" she said with an 'I've been awake since 6am attitude'. I dug in my pocket and pulled out some money. I was a few cents short. "Ah, I'm sorry miss I don't have en-" I said before I was cut off. "Here. I'll pay for it." someone said as they put some money on the counter. I turned to see a guy with lightish brown hair and a vintage sweater. He turned to me and smiled. I could've died out there. "You wanna go and talk for a bit?" he asked me. I nodded in response. We walked across the street to a 24/7 coffee shop. "My name's Damon. What's yours?" he asked calmly. "Angel." I answered quickly. He seemed nice. "Angel huh? That's a cute name. I think we should order something before we get kicked out." he said. I started to blush a little and covered my face. I hid my lemonade and ordered something to drink. We talked about little things here and there and he complimented me on the little things.

I found out he has a YouTube channel, and I told him I'll check it out in a bit. He smiled and gave me a hug. Which probably surprised me because of the look on my face. "I'll see you around Angel. Well, at least I hope I do" he smiled. I turned around quickly and replied of course without even looking. It was a long night I think I need to sleep.

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