Chapter I: Newcomer

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I was definitely worried, as any good trooper would be as they were about the join the Cold Squad. It was my dream to be an elite commando, the best of the best, and now it had been achieved. I thought of the heroics and adventures I'd go through, and I knew there would be heartbreak and death, war and destruction. But that's what we fight to stop.

"Are you even listening to me?" My Jedi escort, Jat says.

I blink, coming back to the real world. "Yes, sir. Sorry." I turn back to face him.

"Good. Well, when we drop you off, there won't be any time for warm welcome. You'll be heading straight for trouble. Got it?" He says sternly.

I nod. "I'm ready, sir."

"Then get down there, and show them what you got," He says encouragingly.

Our ship, the Flashwave, comes out of hyperspace to emerge in a huge battle. Republic and Imperial forces clash in the endless blackness of space, with the planet of Kanerii below. Kanerii looks like a big blue ball, as it was almost completely covered in water. Fighters flew across the the scene, and lasers pierce the air. The biggest Republic cruiser begins to move towards us.

"That's the Wampa. When we get in the hangar, we won't even have time to land," Jat says apologetically. "Jump, and run to the other ship that will be in the hangar. That's the Thunder Strike, the Cold Squads starship. They'll take you straight to your mission."

"Understood," I say obediently.

He nods. "Get ready."

I grab my rifle, and strap it on my back, along with my vibroblade. I put on my new red helmet, with the signature Cold Squad markings. I'd always wondered why the Cold Squad armor was red, since red was kind of a hot color, but it looks good. I ready my medium-rifle, and make sure I have a few gadgets and thermal detonators on my belt. Check. Ready to go.

I can't believe this is actually happening! I think childishly. Grow up, Ckam. Just do what you're told.

The Flashwave zooms into the hangar of the Wampa, and the exit ramp opens up. I ready myself to jump, and Jat taps my shoulder.

"Hey, kid," He says. "Good luck."

I nod my thanks, and hop off the ramp, into the hangar. I land in a roll, and stand up to look around the hangar. I see the Thunder Strike, and sprint towards it, carrying the wait of all my gear. I'm still fast, as I was trained to be. I run aboard, to be greeted by a tall Zabrak, with short brown hair.

"Welcome aboard," He says nicely. "I'm Coors."

I shake his hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Ckam."

He smiles. "C'mon, I'll introduce you to the rest of us." He guides me down a hallway, and we emerge into the cockpit, which is surprisingly spacious. In the pilot's seat sits a male Twi'lek, with blue skin. Next to him in the copilot's seat, was a human female, decently young with light brown hair. In the passenger seats were a Chiss male and a human male with blond hair. They all turn around to greet me, with smiles on their face. Except for the Chiss, who's expression didn't change.

I was bombarded with welcomes and hellos. Coors told them to settle down and introduce themselves. The human female was Larissa, and the human male was Diyce. He seemed pretty humorous and like a nice guy. The Chiss was Buster, and the Twi'lek introduced himself as Par. They seemed like people I could work with for a while.

"Alright, you ready kid?" Par asks grinning. Without waiting for an answer, he turns around and takes off.

As if part of their daily life (which it probably was) Buster stated he had the starboard turret and Coors would take the port. Diyce and I were supposed to make sure there weren't any malfunctions.

"We got the easy job," Diyce says cheerily, and slaps me on the back. "You, my friend, should watch and learn from the experts."

I laugh. I'm gonna like these guys, I think happily.

"Listen up, baby cakes," Par announces. "It'll be a rough ride on the way to the surface. Gunners, gun. Watchers, watch. And don't die."

The girl, Larissa, laughs. "This is where the fun begins."

Buster and Coors whooped and shouted, keeping score as they shot down enemy fighters.



"Eighteen! Nineteen!"

"We're entering the atmosphere," Larissa updates.

A streak of green shoots past the ship. We spin, and swerve to the left. Another bolt flies past the hull.

"Speed it up, we're gonna get hit!" Diyce shouts.

"Affirmative," Par replies.

We break through the wall of clouds, to be greeted by an ocean. To our left is a medium-sized island, filled with vegetation. Par steers us towards it, still dodging shots.

"Par, turn us around in three," Coors says. Par acknowledges, and presses some buttons. Larissa counts down, and the ship flips up. Buster and Coors immediately fire at our pursuers. The shots hit their target, and the ships spiral to the sea, sinking below the surface.

"Yeehaw!" Buster and Coors cheer in unison.

"Yeah, congratulate all you want," Larissa says. "But that was the easy part."

I feel the worry in my face. Diyce pats me on the back. "We'll pull through. We always do."

Buster's expression turns grave. "Ithir didn't." Everyone else immediately looks at the ground. Ithir must have been the last member, the one I'm replacing.

They pretend like that didn't happen, and begin packing up. "Don't worry guys. I"m here. We'll be fine!" I say, trying to be encouraging.

Let's hope that's true.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2013 ⏰

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