Lilian~Chapter 2

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"LILIAN!! Wake up!! You have school!! And you didn't do the dishes!"

I just put more in the sink, I think to myself as my step mother yelled at me from floor above me. I rub my tired eyes groggily, and rise from the thin mattress on the floor. As soon as I get up, I realize there is a wire attached to my foot, and as I move, I hear a soft creak, and look up to the wooden ceiling, and when I do, I see the bucket tip over and then, I am drenched in water. Cold water. I scream, and shiver. And I know exactly who the culprit is when I see the pink rhinestoned camera in the corner of the room near the basement door.

"Marisa..." I growl, grabbing my faded yellow towel off the doorknob and rubbing my face vigorously, and grabbing the pink camera and finding one of my blue stiletto's, and stab the camera multiple times with the 6 inch heel. When I am sure it's broken, I throw the broken pieces in the trash, and run upstairs, and open the door, the light from the kitchen invading my eyes. I stomp towards the guest room and throw open the door, and see Clarissa and Marisa, who are fraternal twins. Clarissa has light blonde hair with brown highlights that falls to her waist, brilliant blue eyes, and is wearing a green button up shirt with blue shorts and brown sandals. Marisa is wearing the same thing, except she has on a blue shirt, green shorts, brown sandals, and Marisa has green eyes and she dyed her hair copper brown with red edges, that also falls to her waist. They are doing their makeup, fighting over the mirror, and when they see me, they smirk.

"Oh, goodmornin hon! We thought you needed a morning shower!" Marisa says in her bittersweet voice. "Did you like it?"

"Like hell I did! You're not even supposed to be here! I'll be glad when you little bitches get out of my house!" I yell, turning around and going to the bathroom, and as soon as I get in there, I peel off my white tank top and blue pajama pants and dry off, and reach in the cabinet, where I hid my clothes. I learned not to leave my clothes in my room, due to previous circumstances. The Fern twins were not good company to have at your house. You see, their mother, Roselle Fern, had been close friends with my stepmother, Rhonda Ellans. Therefore, whenever Roselle was on a business trip, she would drop Marisa and Clarissa off at our house. And these business were either were weeks or months. The longest they'd spent with us was eight flipping months. It was pure hell.

I pull on my white long sleeved crop tops and my baby blue jeans, and pull my hair into a bun. Then I reach in the cabinet and pull out my black converses, that have LED lights on the soles, and I turn the setting to a dark blue, and the bright lights flash as I walk back to the basement, which is also known as my room, and grab my white book bag off my bed, and then grab my roller skates from under my bed and put them on. They are white, and the wheels light up too. Then I go back up the stairs, (and fall multiple times in the process), and roll into the kitchen, and reach over the stove to grab a pack of Starburst, when I see it. The gray and white cat that I dreaded so much. Lucifer. He was watching me on top of the refrigerator, with a deadly look in his yellow eyes.

Then he pounces.

I scream as he lands on my head, and fall again, (I swear that's the 58th time this morning), and Lucifer runs his sharp nails, or should I say claws, over my face as he runs across my back, on the table, and I look and see him cornering a three mice that must have crawled in through the window. I quickly get up, and push that devil cat out of the way, and scoop up the little mice, and before Lucifer can chase me, I have already rolled out of the back door. I keep skating until I reach the end of the block, and I sit down at a bench. I set the mice down, and they look up at me with their big black eyes. They are all brown, and one is larger than the two others.

"Um, sorry about that...hehe..." I chuckle nervously. They just continue to look at me, and then they run up and hug me...kind of. Their little arms are not even halfway around my ankle, and I reach down to pet them. I should name them. The bigger one can be Gus. The regal one is Jacque. And the last one, I'm pretty sure is a girl, so her name is Mary. I glance at my watch. 7:55. School starts at 8:00. I wave to the mice, and roll away.

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