Little girl.

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Everyone told me when I was younger that I would do being things some day. They told me I could be anything I wanted. Well, I wanted to be a veterinarian, a doctor, a teacher, even a princess. But as I got older. I realized some dreams are too big too big for a girl like me. When I was 5, my mom was in an accident. She had gotten hit by a car. She broke 18% of the bones in her body. Went though 14 surgeries, 2 blood transfusions, and survived a serious infection in her blood system. It was hell. Not having my mom home to take care of me. Seeing her at the hospital connected to all of those wires. But eventually she got healthy again. Things went back to normal. I was just a little kid, born and raised in the city of Woonsocket. I had a sister, who was 10 years older and a single mother who happened to go from guy to guy. It was rough. Not going to lie. But I pushed. I didn't have many friends at school. I was quite the loser. I got bullied a lot. People would say how my family was messed up because my parents didn't live together. Or they would call me white trash because I didn't have shoes as nice as theirs. At 16 my sister got pregnant. My mom was horrified. I don't think she knew what to do. My sister was still in highschool. She had so much ahead of her. She was young and stupid I guess. My dad, he met a girl soon after him and my mom ended things when I was two. She came to live with us and from then on she was always around. She was nice to me for the most part until I was about 8 or 9. Things took a turn from there. She didn't like my mom much. And my mom didn't like her much especially because she was mean to me . After my nephew was born. Things changed. School for worse. People calling my sister a slut. Telling me I was going to grow up to be just like her. Home got harder. I had to help a lot since my sister had school and all. My mom mostly worked nights. I didn't get much attention from there. Everyone seemed too busy for me so I just kept to myself. Just that little girl in that big city. That little girl with dreams to big for reality. That little girl.

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