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I ran out the door with the test still in my hands hoping to still find Harry on campus.  I opened the door to the foggy quad, but he wasn’t there, I couldn’t see him anywhere.  I kept looking around until people pushed me out the door, as I was standing right in the way of the entrance.  Silently I made my way back to the seminar hall where Liam was waiting for the test back.

“Well? Where is he?” Liam bombarded as soon as I was back in the room.  I looked at him but couldn’t actually consider the words he was saying; instead I was looking over his test again. I shrugged as confused as he was to what made Harry erase all his answers that were correct leaving his paper unable to be graded.  I sat down and went through it again, trying to read his short answers that had been erased. The responses didn’t even match the questions, but the grammar and conjugations were perfection, leaving me again to wonder why he needed my tutoring.

As I was re-reading the last short answer again I asked, “Do me a favor Liam, don’t grade this yet, and don’t put a grade down.”  When I looked up he was just gaping at me, but after he studied me a bit he nodded slowly.  “Thank you. And uh, I’m going to take this with me.”  I looked back down at the paper and was completely dumb founded again; I grabbed all of my things and took my phone in the other hand of Harry’s paper as I left.  As soon as I was out of Liam’s sight I checked my phone, I had a missed call from Harry and 4 texts from Blake.  It was 8:45 and she wanted me to have all of my things ready and at her car in 20 minutes, I thought about my options and I knew I wanted to relax with Blake but I needed to figure out what this test was supposed to mean also.  I looked at my phone again trying to decide, but my finger did for me when it tapped Harry’s number as I moved my hand.

He forwarded me the first 3 times I called, but finally he picked up on the forth, “What is going on?!” I pleaded when I heard the click of the answer, “What the hell was that Harry?”  He didn’t answer any of my questions, but his voice was muffled and he sounded upset.  “Go to the back parking lot, the 5th row and I’m in the black SUV,” then he hung up on me.  I started walking through the now rainy campus towards the parking lot, hiking my bag back to my shoulder and trying to start a new message to Blake.  I stared at my screen as I kept walking trying to decide what to tell her.  Finally I decided on just calling her.

She answered on the second ring, “Hey babe! Are you excited?”  I smiled, knowing that we were both looking forward to the relaxation time.  When I didn’t answer right away she knew something was wrong, “What’s up Layla? What’s wrong?”

“Well nothing is wrong with me.  But some things came up during French and I need to take care of them. I’m really sorry but I don’t know if I can make it today.  What if we leave Friday and comeback Sunday before classes start instead?” listening and knowing that her mood just plummeted killed me, but I also had to deal with this.

She huffed into the phone as she answered me, “I guess, I mean I was really looking forward today, but a weekend can definitely make that up. Just fill me in on what happened when you get home.” I could hear her smile returned, which I was quite happy about. 

“I definitely will, I have no idea what the hell is going on here.  I’ll see you later though babe.” I ended the call with her as you started down the fifth row in the parking lot.  I put your phone in my bag as I kept walking trying to find Harry’s car.  Finally I stumbled upon it, but no one was inside.  I looked around to see if he was standing outside but of course he wasn’t.  So I called him again, “Harry I’m not playing your fucking game.  Wher—” the door suddenly swinging open cause he to stop talking, it was being propped open my Harry, lying under a blanket that looked like a blob on the seat. 

“Get in,” that was all he said, but it was enough to know he had been crying.  I climbed in and thought we were going to be sitting, but my stupidity—Harry never did what I thought he would. So I wound up being pulled down to lying with him under the blanket.  The only thing keeping me from falling off was Harry holding onto my lower back.  “You’re all wet,” he said it more as a question than a statement.

“Well, it is raining outside and I was outside so, yes, I am wet.  Sorry I know my hair is dripping in your face.” I tried to move it but almost fell onto the car floor; instead Harry moved it for me, which sent shivers all over my body.  He pulled me closer so I couldn’t see his face very well, and the only indication of his consciousness was the light sobs he would let out followed by gasping for air.

I didn’t know what was going through his brain, but mine was spinning.  Harry Styles the big man on campus who got all the girls in bed was crying right in front of me and I had no idea why.  I just sat there waiting for him to stop, but he didn’t.  I eventually turned around with my back on his chest, he cuddled in close to me neck, at first his breathing was erratic, but soon it slowed to a calm breathing.  I fell asleep to his breath on my neck, but was awakened by something else.  I felt the soft kisses on my neck, the wetness tickled but it was pleasant.

I caught my breath as he moved his hand over my stomach and down, while he was kissing on me.  “You’re feeling better I see,” he smirked as I talked but didn’t stop, “Do you want to talk about it?”

His breathing was heavy, “Not. Right. Now. Later,” with each syllable his voice became more seductive.  His eyes were still red rimmed, regardless of the fact that outside was now dark which meant we had spent the entire day in the car; I slept for most of it but looking at Harry I was almost positive he spent most of it crying. He readjusted us so he was leaning over me while I was flat on the seat. He leaned in and gave me a linger kiss, one that was passionate and not like the one I remembered from our first night together that was full of lust and whiskey. 

He nibbled on my neck and pulled off my shirt, dropping it on the floor. He left a wet trail of kisses from my jaw to the top of my jeans.  “What happened on your test?” I stammered.  He shook his head no as he kept kissing my body.  Clearly we weren’t going to be talking tonight, which gave me anxieties.  I had only slept with Harry when I was completely piss-faced something I tried my hardest toforget, so it isn’t as weird when I tutor him.  With this there would be no going back to ignoring it, but his warm touches against my skin made me forget the effect this could cause other than my personal happiness.

I helped him take off his shirt and traced my hand down his chest, abs, and to this happy trail.  He reacted to my touches with soft grunts that turned me on more.  I laced my fingers behind his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.  Our tongues were intertwined, only stopping for brief seconds to breath.  Harry worked my jeans off and put them along with my top on the floor of the car.  He then took off my bra which caused me to instantly cover myself up.  He kept eye contact with me and he removed my hands and kissed my chest. 

It was different tonight with Harry; it was intimate and seemed like more than a fling, but I knew it was just sad sex, he was sad and he wanted to be happy.   I could see in his eyes the hurt, but the passion was slowly taking over his mood.  He made way of his pants and continued to kiss me and caress me; I wrapped my legs around his waist while he kissed from my chest to my jaw, my collarbones to my mouth.  He moved his hand down further to my panty line and pulled them off slowly, watching and gaging my reaction.  When he pulled them off, I placed my hands in his hair as he slowly moved from my stomach down.  He kept eye contact with me the whole time, never breaking it once.

When I asked if I could help him, I was told he wanted to give, not receive and there would be another time for that.  He kept me worked up for so long that I thought I wouldn’t be able to make it any longer, but I did; and it was amazing.  He lunged into me giving me time, and making it pleasing.  His eye contact made me feel special, like he had never done this with anyone else, which I knew to be a lie, but didn’t care.  He went slow and prolonged it, “Harry,” I moaned, “I’m—I’m almost done.” 

His trusts became faster and quicker waiting to get me off.  I arched my back, putting my hands on my forehead, and felt it go through my legs and stomach.  Harry pulled out, but rested with me still, when I was about to fall asleep, I felt him shift as he was pulling on his clothes.  I was dozing off fast and wasn’t much help to him as he put a pair of sweats, he pulled out of the back, and my shirt back on me.  I felt a kiss on my nose and his hushed voice as he moved hair off me, “It’s okay.  Keep sleeping, I’m going to find us a place to stay for the night.”  After that, the only thing I remember was being lulled to sleep by the movement of his car.

A/N: alright well im honestly worried what you will think about his chapter.  Please let me know because I really don’t know!! and I know it’s been about a month since I updated…im sorry SERIOUSLY I AM!!  Please comment or message me (:

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