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Uggghh why the fuck is it so gawwd dammmn bright??!!  I roll over onto my stomach to cover my head with my pillow, only to be met by a hard headboard. I sit up and blink lazily, completely lost as to where I am. While I'm taking in my surroundings, I try to put the pieces of last night together. The sun streaming in through the curtains in broken rays definitely isn't helping me focus though; it's only intensifying my agitation for being awake.

When I turned my head, I saw an electric blue sticky note on the headboard. I snatch it down quickly trying to figure out what the hell is going on. I look down and read: Hey love thanks for the good ride last night you were loads of fun...it was mad! I left you a pair of sweats and a tee shirt with your underwear on the counter in the bathroom...I couldn't find your dress. Hope you had as much fun as me ;) –Harry

...loadss of fun? Oh no... Suddenly I am fully aware that I am wrapped in a sheet completely naked—on a stranger's bed. I slowly drag myself out of the bed and decide to be nosy on my way to the bathroom—I mean I already slept with him right?

Pictures around the room seemed typical of a college boy, pictures with friends and girls. But one framed photo seems a little off; it has the curly haired boy, whom I'm assuming is Harry, with an older woman with gray hair and curls like his. I couldn't help but smile when I saw the resemblance between the two of them.

I made it to the bathroom to find another sticky note: I don't have girly products so you will have to use my Old Spice...hope you won't mind smelling like me ;) –Harry Ok this is actually pretty cute, I had to admit that even to myself.

As I turn on the water, I decided I wanted music to wake up with. I creeped a little more until I found an iPod dock and plugged in my phone. I turn the music up loud enough to hear it over the shower. When I finished showering and decided to air dry, I'm not a big fan of other people's towels. As I sit around waiting to dry, I finally notice that it was raining outside, the morning sun has disappeared.

I can hear a low buzz which takes me a minute to figure out is actually my phone going off. It was Blake telling me she needed me at home ASAP. I decide it's time to take my walk of shame down the hall, while in some boy's clothes whose room I stayed in the night before.

I keep my head down as I walk down the street. I figure staring at the pavement is the best way to avoid any more embarrassment. I can feel an intense stare and can't help but pick up my head slightly to be met with an evil gaze. I recognize her face, but no name comes to mind, honestly not sure how I even know her.

I get to my dorm as soon as I can with a hangover, keeping my head down the rest of the way. As soon as I have the key in the door, Blake is yelling and screaming my name. I hurry in to see what's wrong, only to be met by a big eager smile and a cup of tea.

"So what happened?!" Blake couldn't keep the smile off her face. I can see in her eyes the anticipation of some amazing story, but I don't actually have one. I can hardly remember the alcohol I drank let alone the events after.

"Nothing happened," I try to casually brush her off as I lay down on my bed, covering my eyes with my arm.

"Bullshit! I call BULLSHIT!" I can't help but giggle at her when she puts the tea cups down and starts jumping on my bed, beating me with a pillow. "I deserve to know! I took you to that party and I want to know what you and Harry did!"

I sit straight up, "You know who he is?"

Blake just looks at me dumb founded. "Uhh yeah honey, I thought everyone did."

I stare at her straight in the eye "I don't! I didn't even know his name until this morning. Apparently, I missed something at freshman orientation."

"You really don't know who he is do you?" she has a sorry look on her face. "His name is Harry Styles. His major is undecided but in reality its partying and fucking girls."

"Oh, well, I didn't realize that's who I was with last night. I thought Harry looked different." As I listen to her talk I realize that I have heard rumors about Harry, and made assumptions on what he looked like. I still don't have a clear picture of what he looks like.

I'm starting to think about the possible rumors that can spread and quickly give myself a headache. I'm just going to ignore the world for the rest of the weekend and do only 3 things: eat, sleep, and get on the computer. New classes start on Monday and the only thing I want to worry about is being caught up on sleep BEFORE the new term starts.

Monday morning I go into my first class of the day to be greeted with the hopeful smile and bright eyes of the curly haired kid from the party. I'm having a little panic attack, but trying not to let it show as I go up to the professor to say my hellos and take a seat at the TA desk.

Officially this class was a Teacher's Assistant credit but with that comes the expectation of helping students who needed it and tutoring when necessary...I just pray Harry is as good at this French as he is the other.

I avoid eye contact with everyone as long as possible, in my own world, until I am introduced to the class by the professor. I look up and smile, then go back to staring at my books.

"Ahh Layla! Parlez à la classe! C'est important pour les étudiants sentent confortable avec vous."

"Oui Mouseir," I sigh as I stand up in front of the lecture hall full of kids and start talking more. "Je suis ici pour aidez-vous quand on a besoin. C'est important pour parler avec moi si vous avez besoin l'aide. C'est université et il n'y a pas du temps pour un fainéant" I smile up at the students as I continue my little speech. I look around the room as I try to pinpoint whose gaze is making me slightly on edge. I get flustered as I try to continue my introduction and wind up stumbling through the easiest of sentences,"Etttt, pour votre référence, je m'appelle Layla," when I realize it's Harry's full undivided attention that's making me uncomfortable

I make eye contact with Harry quickly before looking away as he smirks realizing the effect he has on me right now. I finish my intro and sit down again. I just want to be lost in my thoughts, and I am for about 45 seconds before Monsieur interrupts my thoughts again.

"Layla!? Qu'est ce tu as pensé mademoiselle? Tu n'es pas ici à ce moment. L'homme a demandé si tu peux aider lui." I look up to where he's pointing to be devastated by seeing the curls.

I dread the answer I have to say, "Voient moi après cette classe pour parler de votre options et temps libre. Est-ce qu'il y a les autres?" When I see no one else raise their hand, I can only notice the satisfaction on Harry's face as he plays with his lips.

This is going to get interesting quickly.

A/N: ok so I know this proabably isn't what you were thinking, but the next part gets better. I wanted to have some plot information. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!


Ahh Layla! Parlez à la classe! C'est important pour les étudiants sentent confortable avec vous. : Layla Talk to the Class ! it's important for the students to feel comfortable with you.

Oui Mouseir: Yes sir. Je suis ici pour aidez-vous quand on a besoin. C'est important pour parler avec moi si vous avez besoin l'aide. C'est université et il n'y a pas du temps pour un fainéant : I am here to help you when you need it. Its important that you talk with me when you do need help. This is university and there isn't time for a slaker.

Etttt, pour votre référence, je m'appelle Layla. : And for your reference my name is Layla. (when she says this there is slight studder)

Layla!? Qu'est ce tu as pensé mademoiselle? Tu n'es pas ici à ce moment. L'homme a demandé si tu peux aider lui. :Layla ? What are you thinking about ? you are not here at the moment. This young man asked if you can help him. (Layla was spacing out and not listening anymore)

Voient moi après cette classe pour parler de votre options et temps libre. Est-ce qu'il y a les autres?: See me after class to talk about your options and schedule. Is there anyone else?

Frat Boy Harry (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now