Chp. 2

19 2 1

Harry's pov

It's too early in the morning to be up. Especially when I had to be here and dancing. I hate dancing, dancing hates me. It's stupid, worthless, and I suck at it. There is this one boy that can dance okay but I don't think he likes to dance. Zeke? Zack? Zayn? Yeah, I think his name is zayn.

"Okay take a break" the instructor said. I sighed with relief as I grabbed my water bottle and plunked down on te nearest chair. This blonde energetic boy came up and boy I was not in the mood for him. He's insane, loud, and not very smart. He came and not to my delight sat right down next to me.

"Hi I'm Niall what's your name?" He asked bouncing in his seat

"I'm harry" isaid trying to be nice.

"Ooh like my legs?" He asked. I sighed. I would have probably laughed but like I said. I am not in the mood.

"Uhh yeah I got to go to the loo" I sad standing up.

"Ooh me to" he said

"No" I said strait "I uh need to go alone" I said he smiled and ran away. I went into the bathroom to see my hair a complete mess I was trying to fix them. I heard the door open but I paid no attention to it. I took a step back and collided with someone. I turned around hoping It wasn't that blonde kid. But it was the most beautiful boy I have ever seen. He had Carmel skin and the most beautiful blue green eyes. He had the chestnut hair covering his forehead and partially his left eye.

"Oops" I managed out

"Hi" he smiled "I'm louis" he outstretched his arm with a perfect smile. I met his hand half way and my whole body zapped. I gasped and he heard it and smiled even bigger.

"I-I'm harry" I said completely nervous

"Well harry I really like your curls" he said

'I like your face' I thought

He laughed a bit and saw a bit of a blush I didn't understand why I didn't say anything.

"I like yours to especially your eyes curly" he said I furrowed my eyebrows confused then it hit me. I said that out loud. I slapped my hand over my mouth as a gasp of pure horror hit my face.

"I really didn't mean to say that out loud" I said he giggled a bit

"No worries but I do like your eyes" he said

"Yeah thanks and I guess I still like your face" I said he smiled the door opened and it was that mature kid that ruined the blonde kids plans 90% of the time. I rolled my eyes as did louis. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of te bathroom.

"Sit with me for lunch I like you curly" he said I blushed

"You too louis" I said and we smiled at each other as we sat down.


Hellooo!! It's short but cute. Omg I just saw this is us for the second time and it was with the cut and ashdjdhdj ahhhhh I lived it. Ok I'm done now u love you guys!!


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