Chapter 8

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Soon, the ghost reached down on the lands of Lothal and landed not far from Esther's tower. Looking up from her task, Esther quickly placed back the cube into her pouch next to the lightsaber and began to climb down the ladder to meet Sabale, Chopper, and Zeb at that floor doing their own things. Zeb was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed while Sabale was working on fixing a part on Chopper. Chopper beeped a few things to her in a sad way before waving his robotic arm at her while Sabale looked at Esther sadly and smiled a bit for her sake.

Esther smiled back behind her scarf and walked forward to Zeb, who was now leaning against one of the stacked crates, and asked "So I'll see you around?"

"Not if we see you first," Zeb said seriously before giving her a punch on the shoulder and laughing at that.

"Ow, don't worry you won't," Esther said in pain before leaving, completely missing Zeb's shocked look on his face as he meant that as a joke.

She walked down the ramp, where Hera and Kanan were waiting at the end, and heard Kanan said, "I believe that you have something that belongs to me."

Reluctantly, Esther pulled out the cube, that she tried to fix to show she didn't open it but failed, and tossed it to him. Kanan caught it with ease in his left hand. Esther walked down the rest of the ramp and stopped before saying to Kanan "Good luck saving the Galaxy," and taking off to her home tower.

Kanan looked down at the cube and saw that it had been messed around with and not in its original form. "He opened it. He passed the test," Hera stated in awe but Kanan didn't say anything in reply and watched the kid run towards his home on both legs with ease.

"Yeah, he did but there's something else about this kid because first he was injured and now he's not," Kanan stated back to Hera.

"You don't think that the Force..." Hera was about to ask but trailed off as Kanan left.

Esther came into her room, in the abandoned communications tower, and held up the lightsaber she stole. Grey Jedi? How powerful were they? What could they do? she thought to herself with a lot more questions to ask.

Suddenly, a feeling came over her and she asked Kanan behind her, "What's the Force?"

"The Force is everywhere. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the Galaxy together and it's very powerful with you kid. Otherwise you've never been able to open that holocron or heal your sprained leg," Kanan replied explaining everything that she had been questioning about but not all of them.

That made her look up in shock before looking down at her left leg, that was still wrapped up in her arm wrappings and tapped it hard against the floor only to feel no pain at all. She turned around to look at Kanan and asked "So, what do you want?"

"To offer you a choice. You can keep the lightsaber you stole, let it become just another dusty souvenir or you can give it back and come with us, come with me, and be trained in the ways of the Force. You'll know what it truly means to be a powerful Grey Jedi," Kanan replied to her question with a bit of serious added to his voice to let her know that the choice is hers.

"I thought that the Empire wiped out all the Jedi and how do the Grey Jedi get chosen and trained?" Esther asked and stated at the same time.

"Only the Force tells what person is truly worthy of such great or little power and what person isn't. Besides, the Empire didn't wipe out all of us kid," Kanan said with a chuckle.

Esther looked down at the lightsaber and looked up to find Kanan gone. The decision racked around in her mind for a few seconds before she made her decision and quickly got to work. She packed up all her extra amo, her paint bottles to do some drawing (if they would allow it), changed into the same set of her clothes, pulled up her hood and scarf, and packed up two pictures of two different families with her in them. Once she was done, she grabbed the lightsaber and quickly locked her tower behind her before heading back onto the ship to tell Kanan of her decision.

Back on the ghost, Kanan was meditating in his room and used the Force to open his holocron to repeat the message sent by Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi. "This is Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen. With a dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning, and a reminder, to any surviving Jedi and powerful Grey Jedi. Trust in the force. Do not return to the temple, that time has past and our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged. Our trust. Our faith. Our friendships. But we must persevere and in time, a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you. Always."

When it was done, the holocron of Obi-wan disappeared and the holocron became empty just as his door opened. Kanan opened his eyes to find the kid standing at his doorway with his lightsaber. With a smile, he got up from his bed and walked over to the boy. Esther handed Kanan his lightsaber and smiled at him with a bit of hope in her eyes. Her new master smiled back and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder before leading her to the kitchen room to make the announcement of a new member joining the crew.

Everyone on the ghost crew was absolutely happy at this turn of events because they have all grown fond of the child. Sabale looked at Esther and wondered when she was going to tell them her secret. "Kanan, can I say something?" Esther asks in her normal voice.

With a nod of his head, Kanan sat down with the rest of the crew and waited for what his new apprentice was going to say. "I know that it seems wrong for you all to not know my name and all but I just wanted to keep those that I know of safe from knowing my identity and my true gender because if found out, then the Empire would've stopped at nothing to hunt me down and make me pay for my crimes," Esther began but was interrupted by Zeb saying "Wait? Your true gender? What does that mean? It can't mean anything else unless..."

In response, Esther pulled down her hood to let her bright blue braided hair fall out of its place in the hood to go down to her waist and pulled down her scarf to show off her true identity. "Wait. You're a girl?!" Zeb asked shocked.

"I'm afraid so Zeb. My names Esther. Esther Bridger and I kept my identity and gender a secret because of a betrayal many years ago that made me cut off any connection I've ever had with any of my friends and made me not trust in anyone but myself. I'm sorry that I didn't bother correcting you all or telling any of you sooner but I didn't want to take the risk of the Empire finding out," Esther said sadly.

"Why would the Empire want to find you?" Kanan asked curiously leaning forward in his seat.

"It's mostly because of my marks against them but it's also because of something else that I'm too afraid to share at the moment," Esther replied even more sad and stating to get scared.

"Knock it off you two. You're scaring our new member. It's okay Esther, whenever you feel like talking about it. You can tell us then. We're always here for just as we are always here for each other," said Hera in a stern tone to the boys, as she got up, before turning it into a soft tone as she came over to Esther and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Esther smiled at her and nodded her head in reply. "Welcome aboard the ghost crew. Spector 6," Sabale said with a happy tone giving Esther her very own com to link her to a new family and a new life she never thought possible.

And I will protect it till my last dying breath, she vowed within her mind as she looked upon the crew she had become apart of and smiled a real smile that she hadn't used in a long time.

Okay, here you go guys. Spark of the Rebellion is finished and the idea of Grey Jedi came from Newt4Life's book The Loss of War. But I put my own spin on how Grey Jedi's are found. They are powerful in my mind but not as powerful as Yoda and can even control both the Light and Dark side of the Force without completely consuming themselves to the Dark Side. The only problem is, is that they have to be chosen through the Force. The Force may be a powerful thing to use but it also can choose which one to turn into a Jedi and which one to not turn into a Jedi. So the Force chose Esther to become a Grey Jedi because of the hard times she went through as a child but still pulled through and held onto the hope her foster parents gave her. Hope you all love it and like it! Bye!! Shayelee8 Out! Peace!

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