Chapter 6

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T.I. - Whatever You Like

"Generosity is giving more than you can and pride is taking less than you need" -Khalil Gibran 


- Iris's Point of View -

I slowly opened my eyes and let the light of the TV flood my view. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes.

Austin let out a small snore. I twisted around to see him hugging my pillow in his arms. I chuckled and carefully sat up being careful not to wake him.

I stood up and stretched. When I was fully awake, I slid open the curtains to my balcony. The sun was setting and it was slowly starting to get dark. I went over to the table and picked up my cracked phone to check the time. I pressed the button and nothing happened. I pressed it again and still it was dark.

Oh yeah.

I had forgotten it was broken. I sighed. I had to get a new phone as soon as possible. I couldn't contact my mom. Maybe the Apple store is still open. I could wake up Austin and have him drive me downtown. I still hadn't had time to get my license. I had my permit though.

I stepped into the bathroom and quickly washed my face. I reapplied my makeup and combed my hair again to smooth it out. I stepped out of my lounge clothes and slipped on a pair of white shorts. I reached for the nearest top which happened to be a teal halter. I put that on along with some blue sandals and a few silver bangles. I was good to go, except for...

Austin was still peacefully dozing away. He was so adorable I didn't want to wake him, but I really needed a new phone. I sighed contemplating whether or not I should wake him. I decided I would get a cab and just let him sleep.

Just as I was jotting down a quick note explaining where I was for him, he sat up and groaned.

"Where are you going?" He croaked, his voice hoarse from sleeping.

"Oh I'm sorry! Did I wake you up?" He shook his head. "No. What is that for?" He pointed to the note. I stopped writing while rubbing his tired eyes.

"I need a new phone so I was going to take a cab since I don't have my car yet. This note was going to explain where I was," I explained. He nodded and stood up from the bed.

"I will do the honor of taking you there as long as we can stop at my place so I can get some fresh clothes. No offense, but these clothes you gave me smell like moth balls and are covered in dust." He walked over to the door and held it open for me.

"Mmkay." I quickly thanked him for holding the door open. We both stepped into the elevator and waited a minute or so till it reached his floor.

I was going to just wait outside the condo building, but Austin insisted that I stay in his living room until he changed.

"Ready to go?" He stepped out his room and smiled at me. He was dressed in a red fitted tank that clearly show cased his stomach muscles and some dark jeans. His Jordans were red to go along with his shirt.

I tried speaking, but all I could manage to do was weakly nod.

We walked all the way to the parking garage and I finally caught view of his car.

"This is your car?" I asked amazed. "Yep." Austin held the door open on the passenger side of his red Range Rover. I slid into the seat as he shut the door and walked to the other side of the car. He got in and shut the door. He turned it on and the car roared to life.

"Shouldn't you have gone for something a little more understated if you were famous?" I asked matter-of-factly. "What can I say? I like to go hard," He smirked at me and turned into the freeway. I rolled my eyes.

"Please tell me you know where the closest Apple store is?" I was still praying that one would be open at this hour.

"Reeellllax! I got this." He said dragging out the word. "Whatever you say." I said as I turned up the radio to fill the silence that was slowly creeping in.

I song that I hadn't heard in a long time started to play. I couldn't help but sing along. "Yeah. Uh huh. You know what it is. Black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow," I sang along and started to dance along with Wiz Khalifa's voice. Austin shifted his glance to me, amused at how I was rapping along to a song on the radio.

I countinued singing along until we reached our destination.

I stepped out of the car and walked into the closing Apple store. I picked up the phone I needed and handed the money to the cashier. Austin pushed it away and instead paid for the both of our phones. I protested but he shushed me and pulled me out of the store.

"Why didn't you let me pay?" I demanded. "I told you I was going to buy it for you didn't I?" He smirked at me and handed me the new phone.

"Yeah but still. I could of payed for it myself. Now I feel like I have to pay you back." I was never comfortable with the idea of someone buying stuff for me. It just bothered me a lot, especially with expensive things, such as this.

"Don't worry about it. Think of it as a sorry gift." He smiled at me. I was still surprised at his generosity so without thinking I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He stood still for a few seconds before he relaxed and wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me back.

I held him close for a moment until was I was forced to break away. I pressed my lips to his cheek and gently pecked him there before pulling away altogether.

"Thank you, Austin." I gave him a smile before climbing back into the car again. A blushing Austin soon followed me.

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