Good moring BITCH!!

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Lia's POV:
*knock* "wake up bitch your mom made breakfast" Nate said walking out my room. So I roll out of bed and thank god today is Saturday. I walk downstairs and omg it smells so good. I see my mom and Tom talking. I walk up to them and sit on the table then my mom bring me food. "Good Morning baby how did you sleep" mom says "Well I slept good I guess" I say. "So are you ready to go shopping with Nate" Tom says I was in shock I totally forgot it was today I mean the whole weekend with him eww. I just nod and Nate walks in "Hey sis really to go shopping" wtf just happened did he just call me sis what is this a dream. "Go get ready Lia" mom says and I go upstairs wondering what I should wear. Since its summer I decide to wear a plaid jacket with a black crop top and a yellow skater skirt and I also added a Hat to go with it. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen "So how do I look" I ask and mom and Tom smiled and say "Awee look at you so pretty" I blushed. Nate didn't even look at me he just put his plate down and walked to the door. *At the mall* "So where do you want to go first my dad gave me his credit card and said you could buy whatever you wanted. So where do you want to go first" Nate says while getting out of the car. I was surprised he didn't say anything mean so I decided to go to H&M it's one of my favorite stores. *At H&M* I got so many things I had to try them all out so I went to the fitting room and Nate was not complaining at all and that made me happy. So I told him to wait outside my fitting room and he just nodded. I came out with a really pretty dress "Nate umm I was wondering if you could umm zip it up please" I ask him looking at my feet. "Sure turn around" Nate says I turn around and he zips it up "you look really pretty Lia" he whispers and I pretend like I didn't hear and close the door on his face. I look in the mirror and I'm blushing my heart is pounding and I don't know why I can't start having feelings for him he hates me. He pays and we walk out of the store "Where else do you want to go Li" Nate smiles did he just call me Li like is he trying to get me pissed because if he is it's working. We walk to Forever21 and I got a bunch of clothes he had to pay $300 and I kinda feel bad. After that we walk to Victoria Secret and he paid $500 there and I felt worse I told him I would pay everything when I had a job but he just giggled and said not to worry and I blush his giggle was so cute WAIT WHAT I'm I thinking I can't think his giggle is cute no way eww he is a terrible person. He then started laughing and said "You're so cute when you blush" and walked away. Did I just hear what he said is he ok what the hell did he eat. *Later that day* we got hungry so he took me to eat pizza and Damm that pizza was delicious. "Lia umm you have some sauce on your cheek let me clean it" he leaned over and got a napkin and wiped it off and omg he was so close he didn't move away even though he had cleaned the sauce away he kept looking at my eyes then my lips and well I started blushing my heart was pounding really fast. Then he backed away and cleared his throat " Lia you have very pretty blue eyes" I just looked down and thanked him. What was his problem like he has always been mean and all of the sudden he is sweet I actually wish this could be him all the time but he will never be like this Tom probably made him act nice. *Home* we are home now and well I actually had fun and Nate said he had fun too. I went upstairs into my room I was a bit tired so I decided to take a bath I walked into my bathroom to prepare my bath when it was ready I went in and I but some music. *skipping the bath* I got out of the bath and rapped a towel around my body when I walked out NATE WAS ON SITTING ON MY BED "Wtf Nate get out I'm going to change" "Lia chill out I was just going to ask if umm well you wanted to watch a movie" I was shocked did Nate invite me to watch a movie with him like what. "So do you want to or not" Nate says blushing OMG DID NATE JUST BLUSH!!! "Of course I'd love to" wtf did I just say I'd love to I'm so stupid he is going to make fun of me in school ahh. As he was about to walk out he turns around and says "by the way I forgot to tell you that the dimples in your back are hot" and he walked away WTF just happened was that a compliment and when did he see them *flashback* right I remember he zipped my dress. Why is he doing this why does he like me or what. I decided to wear my onesie and walk downstairs to the movie theater and wow this is like actually going to the theater but you are in your house. I walk in a see Nate and he is wearing a onesie and he looks so cute. Wait what I'm I saying no he looks ugly. "Lia you're here" Nate smiles I sit next to him and ask him what will we be watching all excited . Nate laughs "Well you look cute when you are excited" I blush and look away. He puts the movie and it starts playing we decided to watch "The Boy" and at the middle of the movie I scream because something popped out and Nate comes closer and hugs me I hug him back and we stay like that for a long time. The movie ends and the lights turn on I look up at him and he looks down at me we look into each other's eyes and Nate gets closer and closer till his lips can feel mine..............."Lia I I" Nate says.............

A/N well hope you liked this chapter lol. So I wonder did Nate kiss Lia is he starting to like her is she falling for him. Or is this just one of his games to hurt her......Well read more to find out. I will be updating more Love you guys😘

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