Too much of a coincidence! ( Kaijo )

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After the Shutoku incident, Seirin resumed their walking.






" You know... " Seirin's captain Hyuuga started after a long silence.

" What is it, Hyuuga-senpai? " Kagami asked his captain.

Hyuuga tried to say " Uh,well... It's just that... "

" Just what? "

Hyuuga sighed " Crossing paths with Shutoku's kind of... I don't know. "

" Too much of a coincidence? " Izuki finished.

" Yeah. Too much. " Hyuuga confirmed.

" It's not everyday you get to bump into some other school's teams, then again. " Riko said eyeing her team.

Hyuuga shrugged " Guess it's just some pure coincidence. "

His team nodding their heads in agreement. Seirin has been walking to their destination in pure silence until they heard a yell.

" Huh? " Fukuda started looking around looking for the yelling voice.

" Over there. " Seirin's phantom said to his team, pointing in the direction where another few people gathered.

" Kaijo?! " Koganei yelled in disbelief in which the said team turned their heads in their direction.

" Seirin? " Kaijo's shooting guard Moriyama asked, stunned.

" This is too much of another coincidence! "  Hyuuga said to himself.

" What's with the ruckus? " Koganei asked eyeing the two people who are arguing at the moment.

Kaijo's center Kobori mentally sigh " Our team decided to hang out since it's vacation and Kise got stucked up on bunch of "

Moriyama nods and continue " And as you can see, " turning his head at the still arguing duos; " Kasamatsu is displining Kise for being late. "

Seirin's captain Hyuuga nods in understanding " Well, it can't be helped, Kise is a model after all. "

" Not if he's paying attention to them though. " Riko reasoned.

Seirin's team nodded their heads in agreement.

" Didn't I tell you to prioritize your team first before your fans?! " Kasamatsu yelled at the cowering Kise.

" B-but Kasamatsu-senpai! The girls were already circling around me that I couldn't escape-ssu! " Kise explained to his fuming captain.

" Oh ~? Is that so~? " Kasamatsu asked.

" Yes-ssu! " Kise answered smiling at his senpai understanding his reasons when.

Kasamatsu suddenly kicked Kise by the stomach and send him flying.

" You could have just told them that you were busy and meeting up with your team than giving your fans your signature !! " Kasamatsu yelled while kicking Kise.

" Forgive me, senpai!! " Kise wailed while having crocodile tears.

" You know... " Seirin's phantom player said which got everyone's attention.

" The way Kasamatsu-senpai and Kise-kun argue reminds me of a married couple. " Kuroko continues, eyes glinting in amusement. His statement gets him gaping faces while few are laughing at his remarks.

" M-m-married c-co-c-couples?!! " Kise stuttering at his former teammate's statement while having a visible blush in his face.

" WHAT?!! There's NO WAY that we act like that, Kuroko-kun! " Kasamatsu grunted, also having a small blush on his face.

" Well, you are acting like one earlier. " Hyuuga remarked while chuckling.

" WE ARE NOT !!! " Kasamatsu and Kise wailed earning some few giggles and chuckling teammates.

" This certainly is entertaining. " Kuroko stated.

" KUROKOCHII !!! " Kise wailed at his former teammate.

" Kasamatsu is the wife while Kise is the husband, huh? " Moriyama amusedly said receiving another gaping faces from Kasamatsu and Kise.

" I pity you, Kise. Getting yelled like that by your wife... You must have done something bad, huh? " Nakamura said having a fake sad smile in his face.

" Or maybe Kise is cheating on his wife ! What a bad husband you are. Tsk tsk. " Hayakawa added.

" I AM NOT-SSU! AND I'M NOT HIS HUSBAND! " Kise wailed at his teammates' remarks while having a more redded face. This only earns him a knowing smile from his team.

" You should love your wife, Kise-kun and don't cheat on Kasamatsu-senpai. It's bad, you know? " Kuroko innocently said to Kise.

" No!! Kurokochii!! I'm not bad-ssu! " Kise said having another crocodile tears in his eyes.

" So you do admit that you're his husband~. " Moriyama cheerfully said, amused.

" NOOO !!! " Both Kasamatsu and Kise yelled to their teammates, red tinting their now blush faces.

Both Seirin and Kaijo laughs at this except Kuroko who is smiling silently but eyes glinting in amusement while watching the scene infront of him.


Finally Done~! Wow... This one is kinda long than the first one~ Well I did kinda think alot in my mind~ Please forgive me if the other characters doesn't really act like their self ! I don't really rememeber much how they talk and such >.<

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