Chapter Three : Excitement? Unstoppable Flutter!

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"It was a good thing you brought him here. We'll do our best to recover him!," a man wearing a white coat spoke with an assuring smile. He even wore something greyish-black around his neck.

I smiled back.

The man or what humans calls - doctor, walked inside the Operating Theatre. When the doors closed behind, the bulb above it glowed bright red.

I sat down on the seat, waiting patiently, but for what - ? I remember that guy, he ran and pushed me away. Then he got hit and was sent flying back.

Is this what humans call - saving?

"My Kookie! Kookie!," an old woman dressed in a nurse's uniform came running. She had tears in her eyes and her wrinkled hands were shaking.

I immediately stood up when I saw her. I don't even why I stood up.

"Is he in there? Did you bring Kookie here?"

I think she was asking for the guy inside the Operating Theatre, so I nodded.

The old lady smiled as she wiped away her tears with the back of her hands. She walked over to me and I took a step back in shock.

Was she gonna kill me?

But the old lady simply took my hands in hers and held it tightly. As she looked at me, she said, "Thank you! Thank you!"
I stared at her.

Is this what humans call - sadness?

"Your name? What's your name?," the old lady asked with curiosity.

Name? I had never thought of one. We didn't have names back home. We always communicated with each other through our minds.

"My name?"

The old lady nods.

"My name is...Kim Taehyung?," I said nervously as I stared at her, wondering if she believed me.

"Kim Taehyung...That's a nice name. Thank you, Taehyung, for helping my grandson!," the old lady said with a smile. I stared at her. Her affection reminded me of my mother.

The bulb turned off and the doors opened. The old lady rushed over to talk to the doctor.

"How's my grandson!?"

"I'm sorry but your grandson is in a critical condition. He has lost a lot of blood, and his brain is damaged. I don't know if we can save him or not."

"No! Please do something!"

"We're doing our best. But - ," the doctor hesitated and then walked away.

The old lady was totally shaken. Her eyes were filled with tears as she fell down on her knees. "Please save my Kookie! He's the only one I have left!"

I stood there as I watched her cry. I felt nothing - no sadness and no pain, but watching her...It reminds me so much of my mother.
And I want to help her.

I walked past the old lady and into the Operating Theatre, closing the door behind. I saw the boy laid there on the bed, still like a corpse wrapped in bandages.

I walked up to the bed and noticed all the wires or something stuck inside his hand.
Doesn't it hurt?

Then my gaze fell on the asleep boy.

He was like any other normal teenager - tall with a lean build. He had raven-black hair which was messed up, milky white skin, and plump pink lips.
He was so beautiful, that at first I thought he was a female; but sadly he turned out to be a male.

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