Chapter Twelve : Favor? It Breaks My Heart When I Can't Do It!

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Kim Tae Hyung POV

"Taehyung, dinner's ready! Come down! I made your favorite food ~ ," Seokjin shouted out loudly from the kitchen. He seemed happy.

"I'm not hungry...," I yelled back. My appetite disappeared; and suddenly I felt like I won't be cheerful ever again in my life.

"Taehyung, don't make me come there and drag your butt down here!," Seokjin yelled out furiously.
He was obviously mad about me wasting food that he made so generously.

I closed my ears shut with the pillow cushions as I stared at the white ceiling; a white blank ceiling just the same as my life.

All sound had died out and the cold, dark night filled the room. Unable to fall asleep, and holding onto the covers; suddenly that's when it strikes - a painful and an uneasy feeling.
From the depths of the heart, a thing called loneliness comes.

Jeon Jung Kook POV

"Are you okay?," I asked worriedly, rubbing in circles on my grandmother's back.

"Why did he have to leave, Kookie?," Grandma asked back with tearful eyes.

I fell silent for a while. Taehyung never really told the reason behind leaving us. But that all being-an-alien thingy...maybe that's why he left.
He should've told us about him an alien! But maybe he felt like we wouldn't believe him; and who would believe him in an advanced century like this?

But maybe Taehyung was always trying to tell me...

"I can't go back to my family. It's not so easy..."

Ugh. I'm such a fool.

Kim Seok Jin POV

"Don't you dare do that! Eat it, Taehyung!," I ordered furiously as I stuffed his mouth with boiled beans but Taehyung spat it all out.

"I. Hate. Beans!," Taehyung shouted.

"Chew it and swallow it down!," I ordered as I tightened up the invisible rope around him with my mind; while Taehyung struggled to be free.

With a disgusted face, Taehyung gulped it down without chewing.

I smiled.

Taehyung fell down from the chair; the invisible rope was no more.

"Now come on, we've got no time to waste. We need to make the communicator as soon as possible!," I spoke in a rush as I left the kitchen.

Taehyung didn't follow me.

I know he's having a hard time. I know he misses his so-called family but there is nothing I can do about it.
Humans death are inevitable; we can't stop it even if we use all of our powers.

"Taehyung?," I called.

"Hm?," Taehyung responded in a groan.

"Come on!," I ordered.


Taehyung runs a bit low on feelings but that doesn't means he isn't attracted to anyone.
He has a heart; and isn't it all that is required to fall in love - a single heartbeat.

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