twenty six ➳ familiar faces

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Early ass update swag swag swag swag swag on you.

If you're a Ziam shipper (because I know some of my readers are) warning, next chapter is heartbreaking. Like pretty freaking heartbreaking. (Just warning you now because I may forget to next chapter)

Like you thought the argument between Zayn and Justin was bad? Welp...........

Given their history, this one is bound to hurt even more than the Zustin fight.

Anyways, here's this cute gif of these two cuties. ❤️

Zayn has been in a lot of interesting and rare situations

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Zayn has been in a lot of interesting and rare situations. His luck in life is pretty terrible actually. So yeah, he's had those awkward moments before. But this one takes the crown.

This has got to be the most awkward and most awful situation he's ever been in. This coming from the guy who got caught having sex in his parents' bed... by his parents.

Yeah, this one takes the gold.

It had to be the way Liam and Justin weren't even paying attention to him anymore. Now, the two men were just glaring at one another. If looks could kill, Zayn would have already been in his coffin due to the crossfire. And that says a whole lot about how hard they were glaring at each other right now.

Zayn actually couldn't wrap his head around what was going on. He didn't even know that Justin knew Liam. Justin's never brought that name up, not that he knows. And even than, Justin has told all his friends about Zayn yet Liam knew nothing? On top of that, Liam never mentioned Zayn? So many questions and absolutely no answers because the two other guys in the room were too busy having the most lethal staring contest in the world to even worry about Zayn's existence.

He really did have the worst luck in the world. Zayn is officially convinced that he's cursed. He could've called anyone else, messed up any other number. He could've double checked the 9, but he didn't. And Zayn just so happened to call someone Liam knew. He just can't seem to catch a break.

Fingers crossed that Justin and Liam aren't each other's exes. Now that, would be something.

The silence was beginning to suffocate him. He wanted to wiggle out of the door but being the reason both men are here, Zayn had no other option but to stand there and absorb all the awkward.

Yes, this is his life.

It was actually Liam who broke the silence with a loud, thundering laugh that had his whole body shaking as he clapped his hands together, "t-this is crazy! This is absolutely insane. Nope, I refuse to—," Liam cut himself off with more laughter, seeming breathless now.

"Ashton, you can come out now," he called out, "what, am I the guest on the next season of Punk'd or something? Because there's no way any of this is actually happening right now."

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