The Wager

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Dedicated to anglegurl for being awesome x)!!!


The Big Bad Boy

By: BatmanHeartsBacon

Chapter 1:

"Ha! Please, I'm the hottest guy in school, and the most popular. Girls have fantasies about being with me, and guys wish they were me...."

Meet Andrew, last name Depp, the popular and sexy Bad Boy, and player of the school. And a ego the size of Texas (Maybe even bigger). He stood 6'6 and had blond hair with green eyes, that matched with his muscular body frame and light tanned skin. He stood with his arms folded and a smirk on his face as he looked at his friend.

"I can get any type, size or species of girl, even a guy if I wanted too."


Now lets meet his friend, Jackie Robinson, and no not the famous baseball player. With her long brown hair and caramel brown eyes, that matched her hour glass shape body and peach cream colored skin. And with her nice rack and rear end as well, she was the 2nd most popular girl in school....Well third if you don't count The two blonde and blue eyed twins, Brenda and Sarah as one.

"Yes really."

"Oh, okay. So you don't mind I make a little wager, Mr. Wolf." Jackie called Andrew out by his nickname given to him by the guys in school. His smirk grew.

"Alright bring it." He leaned up against the wall, and ran his fingers through his hair, making it a little messier, and him even sexier.

Jackie scanned the girls of the school until she finally found who she was looking for. She laughed a little before turning back to her friend, who was checking out the cheerleading squad.

"Hey lover boy!" She punched him in the arm, to make him pay attention.

"What?" He frowned, turning away from the little 'show' that he was enjoying. Jackie rolled her eyes.

"You see that brunette over there." She pointed, helping Andrew's eyes find who she was talking about.

"The Tomboy, yeah. What about her?" He asked, his eyes turning back to Jackie.

"My wager is this....$30 bucks...."


"...because, I'm going to bet you that you can't make her go out with you, fall in love with you, then sleep with you and also break up with her all in one month." She smirked as she put her hands on her hips.

"Already did, but in three weeks, would've been less but I had to make sure she was actually into guys." He chuckled.

"Fine...." She said looking around.

 *Minutes Later*

"I got it!"

"If you want me to do those things with her, then you might as well give up. He said looking up at her from his sitting position on the ground.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"How many girls have you fucked in this school?" She asked, not really wanting an answer.

"Only 12, so far you only picked ten." He told her as he stood up.

"That was a rhetorical question, I really don't care."

"Sure you don't." He grinned.

"There she is, that girl right there, bet you haven't fucked her yet." She grinned as she pointed to a nerdy red head.

"Actually, I haven't." He said observing her. Jackie cheered about finally finding someone.

"Okay, I'm changing my wager to 90 bucks, because you made me waste my time that I'm never going to get back."

"Hmm....Deal." He said, shaking her hand.

"And Next month the bet will start."


"To give you time..."

"Time for what?"

"To study her, I know how you are. And you have a week before this month is over, so...don't waste it. Peace." Jackie said before walking off. Andrew frowned, but she was telling the truth. He study the girls he would go out or sleep with, before actually doing anything. Of course he would, if he didn't he probably have all the sexual disease known to man (and probably beyond that if it was possible).

Andrew checked out the little nerdy red head once more...

"It won't be that hard, I'd probably be done with her in two weeks tops." He mumbled to his self before walking away.                        


Yes, Yes, I know what you're thinking, and you are correct. I did give  Andrew last name, Depp. After the sexy actor Johnny Depp XD!!!

Hope you liked! Don't Forget to Vote! Comment! And Fan! I would to her what you think about it, and sorry for any type of errors in the story ^__^!!!

Stey Tuned Chapter 2 is coming Soon...

Till Next Time...

Smiles and Bacon (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ

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