Meeting Raven

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The Big Bad Boy

By: BatmanHeartsBacon

Chapter 3

Jackie came back, a red head by her side. My mouth hung slightly open. This wasn't just your average nerd. She wore a blue sweater and a black jeans with black and white high top converse. She wore black framed glasses and a small shy smile. She held her bag close to her chest. She was trying to hide it but wasn't doing a very good job at it, I could see how huge they were. She had curves and an ass as well. Jackie took me out the trance I was in by punching me in the shoulder.

"As I was saying...Raven this Andrew. Andrew, Raven. The new girl." She smirked throwing an arm around Raven's shoulder.

"Hi." She said shyly.

"Hey." She blushed and hugged her bag tightly.

"Raven here started school yesterday." Jackie said. Raven smiled and nodded her head in agreement. What's with the friendly act?

"What school did you come from?"

"Um...C-Cedarwood." She answered.

"Cedarwood? Why'd you come to Winchester, Cedarwood is so much better." I said.

"My mom didn't think so. So s-she transferred me here." She said, not making eye contact.

"Oh...well you're going to have an awesome time at Winchester. Right Andy?"

"Yea, sure." I stood up and stretched, huffing after.

"I'm going to eat breakfast. " I told them.

"Andrew, take Raven with you. Show her around."

"You aren't coming?"

"Nope." She said walking off. I shrugged my shoulders and walked to the cafeteria with her walking by my side.

"How old are you?"

"Sixteen. " She told me.

"So you're a junior. " She shook her head.


"Skipped a grade?" She nodded her head this time.

"So you're a little nerd huh." I said while chuckling. She blushed and said nothing.

"Why didn't your mom like Cedarwood?" I asked holding the door open for her. The cafeteria wasn't crowded or empty. Small chatter was heard and I shivered a little from the cold air.

"I rather not say." She said softly.

"Okay...Why Winchester? "

"It seemed like a nice school."

"Well is it?" She nodded.

"People are really nice." She smiled. I laughed a little.

"I wonder why?" I said to myself, knowing the answer. We got in line and quickly got our food, found a seat not too long after.

"You know you can put your bag out of the way." She just hugged it and ate her food.

It stayed quiet between us until she asked a question.

"Do you like it here?" I looked up from my food and looked at her, shrugging my shoulders.

"It's okay." Was my answer. She just gave me a small smile and went back to eating. I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted by my brother coming out of nowhere.

"What's up, Andrew?" He greeted, sitting next to me.

"I'm eating, Thomas."

"Yea, so?" I looked at him with a bored expression, he just smiled. I shook my head. Raven finished her food before me and got up to throw her tray away.

"Wow." Thomas said, staring as she got up. He tilted his head and bit his lip. I hit him in the chest before she turned around, a frown forming on my face as I spoke.

"Go away. "


"Thomas, away. Please." I told him, irritated. He rolled his eyes and sucked his teeth before leaving. Raven sat down.

"Who was that?"

"My brother." I told her, sighing.

"He looks like you."

"Yea, that's because we're twins." I told her before getting up and throwing away my tray.

"Ready to go?" She simply nodded and got up. We walked out of the cafeteria and back to the courtyard, I sat at one of the pinic tables, she sat in front of me. I then looked at her and saw she was fidgeting and looking around, but I spoke when she let out a shaky sigh.

"You okay?"

"Ye-yea. I'm fine."

"You're looking a little pale there." I pointed out.

"I'm just nervous. It just feels"

"Everyone's staring at you?" She nodded, blushing. I smiled.

"That's because they are." She held her head down, blushing even more.

"It's because you're the new's also because you're cute. " That caught her attention. I could tell by the shy smile that appeared on her face, but she still refused to look at me.

"Thank you." She said. I just chuckled. It stayed quiet but I broke that.

"So...uh, you know where your classes are? "

"Um...yea. Well, except for one."

"Which is?"

"M-my English class. Um...that's the only one I can't seem to find, it's my last class."

"Wait let me the teacher's name, Ms. Porke?" She nodded and I snorted before continuing.

"AP course?"


"What's your period before that?" I asked, pulling out my phone to look at the time.

"Free period." She said softly. I let out a deep breath and stood up.

"Meet me here, okay?"

"Huh?" She stood up as well.

"Your free period is 6th period. Mine is too. me here and I'll show you where it is." I smiled.

" you have..." I put my finger up to my lips and told her to shush. Winking at her as the bell rang and then walked away to my first class with a grin taking over my lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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