A Tuesday and Wednesday morning

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The Big Bad Boy

By: BatmanHeartsBacon

Chapter 2:

Andrew's P.O.V:

"Why does waking up in the morning have to be such a bitch..."

I rubbed my eyes and rolled out of bed. Literally. I landed on my back, and began to groan from the pain the hard wood floor gave me. The bad part is I didn't even have a shirt on, making a stinging sensation in my back.

I stared up at my ceiling, and stayed there. The floor felt so comfortable right now, even if my back is burning. I felt myself drifting off to sleep. When it was nothing but darkness, I heard My door open and somebody walk into my room.

"Hey, are you going to school or not?" My mom said, hovering over me.

"Nope." I simply answered. She sighed as she rolled her eyes. She began to walk towards the door, but I stopped her.



"I'm hungry."

"There's food downstairs, come get it." She closed my door as I cheered and got up.I ignored the pain I was feeling in my back and threw on some pants, since I sleep in just my boxers (be free to keep that image in your head if you like). I ran downstairs, slid into the kitchen, only to see a plate of food waiting for me.

"Alright!" I cheered. Waffles, bacon, sausages, and eggs. This is what I call my breakfast heaven!

I grabbed my plate and strolled over to the dining room table.

"Andrew, Jackie's on the phone for you." My mom told me, handing me the house phone.

"Hello?" I said, stuffing my mouth with eggs.

"Andrew! What's up?"

"What do you want?" I stabbed a slice of my waffle, picking up two slices at the same time and stuffing it in my mouth.

"Why do think I want something?" She scoffed. I rolled my eyes and ate some more of my waffles.

"Are you coming to school?" I could hear muffle noises and closing doors in the background over the phone.



"I don't feel like going." I answered, biting a piece of bacon.

"Andy." My mom whispered my nickname and in response I turned my head in her direction

"Did your brother come home last night?" I nodded my head as I chewed the bacon slowly.

"THOMAS!" She yelled which was followed by a loud thud a second later. Both of us chuckled as footsteps were heard racing down the stairs.

"What Happened?!" He asked, breathing heavily with a worried yet sleepy expression on his face.

"Morning." My Mom said, still chuckling a little before she walked away to the kitchen.

"Hellllooo!" I remembered Jackie was still on the phone When she started grabbing my attention.

"Oh, sorry, What? "

"Why aren't you coming to school?" She muttered. I could here her shaking something as she talked.

"Because I don't want to." I said stabbing my eggs. Thomas pulled out the chair next to me and sat down, slouching seconds later.

"That sucks, I wanted to see you study that red head from yesterday. You know I've seen her close up and she is really cute." I rolled my eyes And ate my eggs.

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