Chapter 1

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This is my One Direction fanfic <3 Hope you enjoy!


Chapter 1

"Emma come here!" Harry shouts, and I sigh, and run downstairs.

"What do you want this time?!" I ask, running my hand through my hair.

"I don't know, I'm just bored." He says.

"Are you serious? I was nice and comfy in my bed on Facebook, and you interrupt me 'cause you're bored? Come up with me then, you noob." I say, laughing and run back upstairs.

He follows me, and watches as I scroll through my news feed.

"You're such a dork." I say, watching him as he stares at the laptop screen and laughs at the supposedly 'funny' pictures.

"What?" He asks, pouting.

"Love you Hazza!" I say, grabbing him in a headlock and messing his hair up.

He swats my hands away saying "No! Don't mess with the hair, girlfriend!" really sarcastically, with a girls voice.

I close out of Facebook and shut my laptop.

"Why are you living with me anyway? You're Ha gaaaaaaaaaay!" He says, and I laugh.

"Naww, Harry! I'm living with you because you're my BESTEST friend in the whole entire world! And I'm broke," I admit, and Harry laughs.

Harry's phone buzzes, so he answers it, and I know who it is straight away because I hear Harry saying "BOO BEAR!" and then making kissing noises. I roll my eyes and laugh. Larry Stylinsons 'bromance' was seriously getting weird. They actually said stuff like 'Love you babe!', but its the funniest thing ever to watch.

Harry finishes his phone call and announces that the boys are coming over. "Kay," Was my amazing response. The boys came over all the time, and raided our pantry.

I chuck my hair up in a bun and go downstairs, grabbing a juice out of the fridge. The boys run through the door and Niall runs straight to the pantry, grabbing some chips and dip, and running into the lounge.

Louis runs at Harry and gives him his signature bear hug. And Zayn comes and picks me up, swinging me round. "Emmy!!" He says, putting me down and kissing my forehead. I laugh. "Hey Zaynieboy!" I say, and then skip into the lounge, grabbing a chip and some dip and settling on the couch next to Niall. He's watching Coronation Street, so I watch it with him.

All the boys walk in and Liam says that he has to announce something. We all settle down and listen.

"Okay, so we are going on tour next week and management said that Emma can come! So get packed Emma, this is going to be so much fun!" Liam announces and I smile. "Yay! I get my best friend on tour with me!" Shouts Harry, running over to me, and jumping on top of me. Everyone laughs, but Louis has a pout.

"I thought I was your bestfriend!" Whimpers Louis. "Aww! Boo bear! You're my best BOYfriend!" He says, and Louis smiles, and then grabs a carrot out of his pocket and starts nibbling it. He's so weird.

"I'm going to start packing!" I say and start to get up. "Wait! Emma, we have a week," Zayn points out. "Okay. Good point," I say, sitting back down. Everyone starts laughing.

Louis jumps up suddenly and shouts "LET'S PLAY TWISTER!!" , And so we start playing twister.

We finish about 4 games of twister and then decide we are too tired to play more, and chuck a movie on. Niall says that he's going to choose the movie, and when it starts we all find out he has chosen 'Wild Child', which we all actually L O V E.

After the movie the guys head home and I say goodnight to Harry, and head up to my room to have a shower.

After my shower I get into my bra and undies, and chuck a baggy t-shirt over top. Then get into my comfy bed, and fall into unconsciousness while thinking about how amazing the tour is going to be.



Are you all liking it? I hope so. That chapter was really short, sorry. But I just wanted to finish the first chapter for you guys.

Please feel free to comment anything you like, and V O T E as well <3

Also, tell all your friends that you know would like this book to please read it! I will be so happy :*





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