Chapter 11

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Sup mah baboons! ;)

Soooo... I am actually so glad because this story is one that I HAVNT gotten bored! Yet...

Na jk, I won't get bored and stop, promise! :)

Okay... enjoy this chapter my baboons *.*


Chapter 11

When we get to the mall, Paul tells both of us to put our glasses and hoodies on.

"Why me?" I ask, no one will notice me.

"Because you are famous. Known as Zayn's girlfriend, so people will swarm you." Paul explains. Oh, right!

I chuck my sunglasses on and pull my hoodie up, and Harry and I walk in unseen, and head to the first clothes shop we see.

We shop for about 3 hours, and I get some dresses, a couple of tops, some jeans, shorts, and shoes! Also some jewelry.

Harry got a few tops, some jeans and a new pair of his flash shoes.

We, thankfully, go most of the day unseen. Until...

We are walking back to the car, when someone notices Harry, as his hoodie flies off. She screams out

"IT'S HARRY STYLES!!!" And that gets us mobbed.

Everyone screams, chasing us, as Paul and the other body guards keep them away, guiding us to the car.

Once we get in the car I breathe a sigh of relief. Man, being famous is tiring!

"Did you have fun shopping, babe?" Harry asks me. I get little butterfly's in my stomach. He called me babe.

"Yeah, got some good stuff," I smile. "You?" I ask.

"Yuuuup, got all I need... for now," He winks at me. I smile.

"I also proved you wrong! I loved coming shopping! Shammmeee!" He points out, and I nod my head.

"True. I didn't know you were such a girl," I fire back, smirking.

"What?! Damn. My cover is blown. Better take this fake penis off," He jokes, starting to put his hands in his pants. I stare open mouthed. What the hell?! Was he joking?

"Gotcha!" He yells in my face, and I scream my lungs out.

"Holy shit Harry! Don't scare me like that!" I say, holding my heart as if I nearly died.

"Sorry babe," He says, and leans over to kiss me on the cheek.

When we get back to the bus, and no one is there, but Lou has left us a note.

'Sup ghee.

Gone for lunch. Be back at around 2:30. Remember. NO SEX ON THE BUS!

Okay, love you,


I blushed like a maniac when I read it. Harry smirked at me.

"You know, he said no sex on the BUS, but, we could always head to a hotel?" He says. I'm actually not sure if he is serious or joking with me. So I play along.

I go up to him and press my body right up against him.

"Oh, Harry. I wish I could! But... I can't," I purr in his ear. He moans.

"Whyyyy?" He moans, really meaning it now.

"Because, we don't have enough time," I whisper, and wink at him.

I can hear him breathing loud and also I can feel his 'Little Harry' on my upper thigh.

"Emmaaa! Don't be mean," He says, grabbing me by the waist.

I push him away, shaking my head.

"Uh uh! Not today." I say, smirking at him, and then I walk into the lounge. He follows, eyeing me up.

"Movie?" I question, as if nothing had happened.

"Uhh... um... yeah. You put it on, I'll... um... be right back," He mutters, going to no doubt change his pants. I smirk and put 'The Hangover' in the DVD player.

Harry walks in just as I push play, with a new pair of pants on. He grabs a blanket, and comes over to sit with me.

We cuddle, and watch the movie. When the credits are rolling, he talks to me.

"Emma?" He asks.

"Yes, Harry?" I reply.

"Do you like me? More than a friend?" He questions, sounding really nervous.

Did I? Oh, who am I kidding, of course I did!

"Maybe," I smirk, "why?" I ask.

"Oh, I was just thinking. I mean, you're not with Zayn anymore," He trails off.

"Harry, I don't want to get into another relationship so early, I might hurt him." I say.

"I know. But, I mean, he, or any of the other boys, they don't have to know," He points out.

"True," I reply.

"So, if I kiss you, will you slap me?" He jokes.

"No, Harry. I would not." I say, smiling at his joke.

He leans down slowly, and my eyes flutter closed. I savor the moment, the moment of the huge fireworks setting off inside my stomach as our lips touch, and it soon turns into a passionate kiss, that ends up with me under him on the couch.

I pull away before any clothes start coming off.

"Remember what Louis said? NO SEX ON THE BUS!" I yell, which makes Harry scream, jumping off me, and then we crack up laughing, falling on the ground.

"We could do this more often, you know," He points out.

"What?" I question.

"This. Hanging out without the other lads, and I might be able to steal a kiss or two while we are," He winks. I giggle.

"Oh, Harry," I say, kiss his cheek and stand up, going to make some toast.



That was short sorry :(

But whaaaat? Two chapters in one night?! I'm loving it!

Remember! ;

'Tell all your friends and your family that's the trick! Vote goes the button VOTE VOTE VOTE!' ;););)

Okay, I love you my baboons <3

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