Chapter1; Before The Meeting

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Hey!!! Guys so this is my first ever story on wattpad..i was pretty bored today and this story just popped in my please comment and add this story to your library if you love it...and again this is my first story so even if it sucks let's not be dicks about it and also this story will have p.o.v's, so you know what each character is ya.

Vanessa p.o.v

Another day in McKinley High found in a small town called pestenn view population 1553.Walking down the hallway to the deadliest most dangerous place to be in...MATHS aka my sleeping zone.....

Ohh I almost forgot to introduce myself I'm Vanessa maguey, I'm in the 9th grade along with my two best friends Jason and Maggie. I'm at my locker as usual and here comes maggie.

Hey cutie what's got ur knickers in a twist Maggie says...

nothing Mai just the usual.. I've got math I said frowning ..

Hahaha haha well you shouldn't keep failing it
I just scowled at her and she keeps on laughing..I swear one of these days I'm gon..

Well if it isn't the lock Ness monster and her minon margy....ohhh I thought things couldn't get any worse she had to show up...that snotty little bitch is Anna Winsley and wagging their tails while following her are The pink Sisters AKA The Bimbos as I like to call them...they feel like they own the whole school not like I give a flying fart about them

what do you want Anna?? I said with a scowl on my face and her name is Maggie not margy, ohh I almost forgot your failing English... I said with a smug look on my face. She looked like she was gonna explode..mehn I live for moments like this...then she stormed off with her face as red as a tomato...then Maggie gives me that " what the hell were u thinking " face and I just smiled at her and walked to my class

Today Mr. Knightly looks like he always does( pityful). I immediately zoned out until I heard the constant squeal the girls made...then I heard Mr. Knightly say
I'd like to you to welcome our new student who just moved here Mr Kyle Peterson and then he gestured for the person to come in ..

and there he was so flawless and handsome, he had the most striking hazel coloured eyes but also had this cold aura around him..he just waved and said.. Hello I'm kyle I hope we get along.. all the girls squealed harder at the sound of his voice and most of the guys eyed for his looks but I just kept staring at his beautiful face..wait did I jus say beautiful!!! I never say beautiful!!! ...then and there I knew this guy meant nothing but trouble but why was I strangely drawn to him...gotta go find jay after this class he'll know what to do..

Kyle p.o v

"That's such bullcrap"

"Kyle shut the fuck up and mind your words" Ken said to me.

"there is no way I'm going back to high school" I agrued..

."you have no choice or else you wanna stay in solitary where we keep strong headed alphas such as yourself" Mr Sean roared to me...

ohhh I almost forgot to introduce myself I'm Kyle Peterson and I'm an alpha vampire. I'm 145 years old but to the pale faces I'm a 18 year old boy.

It was 1794 when I got bitten by an alpha vampire, so I had to leave my family in order to not kill them with my craving for blood.

I met Ken shortly after and he became my best friend shortly after that, oh and Ken is an omega vampire which means I'm stronger than he is.

After a few years we came across the Royal vampire court where all the big shots are..*sighs* a colony we have the Alphas,omegas,betas and the highest of all the royals..betas are the household dogs they do all the dirty work,
Omegas are the guards while alphas are the workers. I've been with royals all my life which means moving from one country to another and from one...stupid highschool to another.

I hate the pale faces. They are a bunch of lying, deceitful people. Living for over a 100 years I've met a lot of people anyway back to the present so now we moved to a town called pestenn view and now I'm being asked to repeat high school again...
I'm like WTF

" kyle I know this is hard on you but you just have to do it for the sake of the colony" Mr Sean said and he happens to be a royal so I've got to follow orders.

"Fine" I said between gnashing my fangs
Ken gave me a " c'mon we can do it " smile.

"We're here" Mr Sean called out..ohhh joy I replied rolling my eyes and then Ken elbowed me in my gut "ouch dude what the fuck" I said he just smiled and walked off meanwhile I followed him from behind.

So after being given our schedule I was being put in 9th grade while Ken was in the 10th grade because he looked older than me. Looking at my time table looks like I've got math..whatever I've always been good in math.

So here comes the part I hate the most screaming teenage girls...I walked into class and introduced myself and all the girls screamed like I'm some kind of movie star...they're so lucky I don't drink human blood, did I forget to mention it's against the rules...* sighs* another boring year again.

On my way to my seat I met a strange Burnette haired girl with cute freckles and blue eyes...hmm not bad for a paleface...but she keeps avoiding my gaze like a plague...hmmm... interesting not what I was expecting I guess this year is not gonna be that bad.

Soooooooo....what did y' all think please comments and constructive criticism are very much appreciated...thanks
Still nothing
Hehe hehe...I'll update tomorrow
Love ya

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