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It's been 1 week since I last saw my blue eyes; I still couldn't believe that she was my mate. Come to think of it, the signs have been staring at me right in the face

I missed her, so very much that it hurt. After finding out that she was my mate, Thor has been overjoyed and finds it very hard to control himself. I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to control him and we might end of scaring her off. That's why I've been keeping my distance from her lately

You might be wondering who Thor is, his my other half. Unlike other werewolves who have their wolves living in them, Thor is part of me. If someone manages to kill him I'm dead also. I can't live without him and Vice versa

I sat in my room at the Royals house, it was a massive master bed room with a king sized bed; it was painted a mixture of grey, black, and white. Dull, just like my life. Decorated with painting I had drawn over the years.

I heard a knock on my door, pulling me out of my thoughts. I opened it to find Tyler smiling widely at me (what is he up to??)" you have a visitor" Tyler said still smiling like a lunatic "I'm not expecting anybody, who is it??" I said looking down the hallway if I'll see the mysterious visitor.

"I'll send the person up here ok??" Tyler said walking down the hallway" whatever" I said not in the mood for any visitors, I just wanted my nessa


I heard the banging on my door and groaned, and that's when it hit me. The mouthwatering smell of roses and vanilla.

"NESSA" i growled while running to door and almost falling on my face. I opened the door to reveal a nervous looking nessa, she looked so beautiful. It felt like all the built up feelings from not seeing her for so long came rushing back with full force. I wanted nothing more than to squeeze her.

"Kyle! Hey uhhh what...I mean...would you..."

"Nessa breathe its okay" I said chuckling at her cute rambling. "You wanna come in?? I don't bite hard" I said the last word softly hoping she wouldn't hear.

"I haven't seen you at school for a couple of days now, are you okay??" she asked her cheeks coloring a pale pink. I felt my heart warm at the thought that she noticed my absence. "I was sick, I had measles" I said smiling slightly hoping she wouldn't notice my white lie.

"I hope you're better now, I mean you look fine. Not like fine fine, wait I'm not saying your ugly I just.., Sorry I ramble when I'm nervous" she said turning a darker shade of pink. "Yes I'm all good now, and I think your rambling is adorable" I said laughing then pinching cheeks.

"You're room looks nice, although it needs just the right amount of color but it's cleaner than I expected" she said looking around then turning to smile at me. I just wanted to hold her but I hard to restrain myself especially with Thor screaming at me to take her away

I couldn't help but laugh at her horrible attempt to change the subject but let it slide either way "lets head downstairs so I can get you something" I said motioning for her to follow me downstairs. She nodded and walked closely to me for fear of getting lost. I couldn't help the smile that took over my face.

"Hello brother dearest, Nessa" Sean said gesturing to both of us while failing horribly at keeping his amusement at bay. Rolling my eyes I took Nessa's hand and lead her to the kitchen away from Sean and the nut cases. "What would you like??" I asked rummaging through the fridge. "Oh, some OJ would be nice, thanks" I heard her say as I continued my search.

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