chapter six

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I walked up to my house, I was shaking with fear and I was even thinking of going back to Mr.K- Ray's house, but I knew it would make it even worse. I went inside and ran straight to my room, not wanting to deel with my mom and dad at the moment. 
Sadly they came up to my room and started beating me, I don't care to go into detail, because it's the same every time. Kicking, hitting me and slapping me. 

Once they went out of my room, my phone went off and it was from a unknown number, it said hey, did you get home safely? -Ray  

I instantly started smiling, and just wrote a simple yes and added his number into my contacts. After a little while my room door opened, and I peeked out of my sheets, standing in the doorframe was no other than Mr. White. I started shaking and quickly texted Ray: Mr. White is in my room.. Help!
I just got it sent when my sheets were ripped off my body and Mr. White grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to the bathroom and locked the door. 

"my parents are home, you know that?" I asked, still shaking with fear. He just smirked and scanned my body, which made me really oncomfortable. 

"oh, don't worry... They know I'm here, I paid them. We are going to have so much fun" Mr. White said, and I felt a sting in my arm, that's the last thing I remember.


After I got the text from Krystal I panicked, I ran out to my car and went to school. I knew I could get her adress from her files, because I got her phone number from there. I know I sound like a creep, but I wanted to know she was safe, something she obviously isn't right now. 

I ran all the stop signs and when I finally found her adress, I called the cops. They said they were on their way, and so was I. 

When I got to her house i saw Mr. White's car, anger boiled inside me. I wanted to save her, but I don't know if the people in there have guns or knives ready. 

After something that felt like a century the cops finally showed up and went staight into the house, me following close behind. 

The police arrested her parents and Mr. White, but the only thing in my mind was Krystal. I started to search the house and I found her in a bathroom, almost naked, but it didn't turn me on even a little bit. Don't get me wrong she is gorgous, but the situation was just too crazy for me to even think about her body. 

I slowly picked her up and placed her on the bed, going into what looked like a walk in closet and picked out a pair of sweats. I put it on her, and carried her down to the livingroom. The police gave me sort of an odd look, but they don't know that I'm her teacher yet. I said I would drive her to the hosptial. On our way there I prayed that she was going to be alright, and not leave this town. 

Once we got to the hospital I ran into the emergency room and nurses took over, thankfully I got to go in with her, I was so scared she wouldn't make it. One nurse brought me out of her room so they could examen her. 

The police can into the wainting room and asked to question me. I told the truth, knowing they would find out anyways.
"how did you know Krystal was in danger?" one of the officers asked. "she texted me and said Mr. White was in her room, and I know he has been inapropriate with her" I answered. "Why did she text you?" "well, I helped her with some stuff, like getting away from Mr. White when he could have taken advantage of her, so she trusted me. I took her to my house because she was to afraid to go home. She has been beat up by her parents"
the officers looked at eachother and just nodded and let me go. I went to the front desk and asked to see Krystal, thankfully, they let me. 

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