Skipping School

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It was Monday when Jace called me up and asked me to skip school with him. I was a goody girl who followed cared about her grades and obeyed her parents but he always managed to pull the 'rebel' out of me. It wasn't my fault he was so sexy. I would skip school everyday for him if he really wanted to hang out. That was all I wanted to do, spend time with him. It was too bad though that he didn't return my feelings. He seemed to always hang around with me and he always made it clear that I was only a friend to him. Yeah, he didn't say that directly but it was obvious with the way he treated me. He would treat other girls like he was ready to tap them all and he treated me like... he was ready to watch movies and play cards with me. Nothing else.

I slipped in my red hoodie that was once Jace's. It was a little too big for me but I liked wearing it since it was his' and just wearing his hoodie made me feel like I'm all his' which was true. The sad part was that he wasn't mine even though I so badly wanted him to be mine. I was nothing but a friend. I wore my most comfortable pair of skinny jeans and sneakers. I did put on a little make-up, even though we were only going to hang around town and nothing fancy, I still wanted to look good for him. Even though I knew I didn't stand a chance.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and flipped it open.

Where are you? The text was from Jace. 

I replied with a At home.

I sneaked out carefully since I didn't want to wake my mom up and I knew she would get really angry to find out I was skipping. It was already twelve in the afternoon. 

It was a little chilly outside but I felt really warm just by the sight of Jace in his car waiting for me. I slipped in his car and he drove away from my house. I couldn't help but check him out in his usual tight v-neck and faded jeans. Even if he wore those, he still looked so gorgeous with his light brown hair that all swept to one side. I always find myself getting lost in his deep, forest eyes and smooth-looking lips. I so badly wanted to kiss him but I was too much of a coward to do that. I couldn't risk our friendship. It was unfair that he had such beautiful features especially that small dimple that appeared on his left cheek when he smiled. My eyes trailed down to his chest then stomach, he was really toned.

Snapping out of it, I finally spoke. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"We're going to watch a movie," he smiled my favorite smile that made his dimple appear. He was making it hard for me to get over him. 

Moments passed and we were already at the back row of the theatre watching a movie that I couldn't concentrate on. Jace really distracted me when he stretched his hand and rested it on my shoulder. I tried so hard not to lean my head on his shoulder but it looked really inviting so I finally gave in a few minutes after.

Our hands would so often touch inside the large popcorn box and he would look at me and I would look away shyly. I really needed to get a hold of myself.

He excused himself and went to the toilet. I felt really cold when he went since I got so used to be in his arms. Finally focusing on the movie, he came back and made me forget about watching again. 

He rested his hand on my lap and started rubbing it up and down unconsciously. It was already killing me that he was doing it and all I wanted to do was just to fuck his brains out. I may be a good girl but Jace was seriously turning me on.

My heart beat started racing that I swear if the actors in the movie stopped talking, everyone would hear it. I started breathing a little deeply too but I didn't want to shake his hand off. I liked the way he touched me, his simple touch turned me on.

He then rubbed a little higher, touching my upper inner thigh which made me jump. I looked at him and he simply looked at me with lust filled eyes. I didn't understand what he was doing and why he was looking at me like that. I was so sure he felt nothing romantic for me.

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