May 23rd 2016

13 0 0

     4:28 P.M.-

     Should I put a proper introduction? No, let's jump right in. No one needs to read this anyway.

They'd be scared of me.

     I am currently at my mom's. Yes, my mom and dad are divorced now. They've been divorced for maybe a year now, but soon after mom got out of rehab they got back together with our blessing (my sister's and I)..

     Mom didn't serve her full time in rehab. I wish I would've begged her too. She's slipped back into bad drinking. Not as bad though; at least she isn't depressed like she was after my littlest sister died or after Dad and I left.

     Maybe.. just maybe if she would've stayed her nine months in rehab, Dad and her would still be together to this day.

     I don't know. I don't want to sacrifice they're happiness for mine. That'd be selfish. Dad seems so much happier now that he has a new girlfriend. No, she isn't younger and more beautiful than my mom. She just generally makes my dad happier. She makes me happy too. She's funny and makes my dad happy. So, that makes me happy.

     My mom doesn't have crippling anxiety or depression anymore, so I guess her boyfriend makes her happy. He's cool. I guess it takes me a little bit more to trust men.

     I have forgiven my mom so many times for not being there emotionally for me, letting the house go, letting the family go, pushing me over and hitting me, and most importantly letting herself go.

     I still haven't forgotten though.

Gotta blast...

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