She Knows

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I opened my eyes and gazed out at the grounds through my window. I savored the knowledge that it was the weekend, and I rolled over, attempting to fall asleep again. i heard loud laughing from the common room, and I sat up with a jolt. I peered at my clock and it read, 10:04. It was late. I glanced around the dormitory, and realized that all the beds were empty. Perfect, I could go cut.

I leaped off my bed, grabbed my blades and ran into the bathroom. I stripped down into my undergarments, took out a blade, and began making gashes on my thighs and wrists. I leaned my head back against the wall, feeling the relief that came with cutting. I let my cuts bleed a little longer, and then bandaged them up. I was about to put my pajamas back on, but the scale caught my eye. I took a deep breath, and stepped on. 79.8 pounds. I was still too heavy. I let out a sigh and bit my lip to stop myself from crying. I pulled my pajamas back on, and exited the bathroom, putting my blades back and dressing in jeans and a sweater. I pulled my robes over my outfit, and headed down to the common room. I spotted Fred and George over in a corner, demonstrating more of their Skiving Snackboxes to a raucous crowd of students.

"Oi, Lauren! Wanna try some?" Fred shouted with a grin as he held up a few candies.

"No, I think I'm fine Fred." I replied with a grin. The twins never failed to entertain, or put a genuine smile on my face.

"Hey sleepyhead! I brought you some breakfast!" I turned towards the voice, and saw Hermione clambering through the portrait hole. She was clutching a stack of toast, and she set it down, running over to me and placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey." I replied, a blush creeping up my face.

"You're blushing."

"I know." I whispered with a laugh.

"You're so cute." Hermione said as she took my hand and led me over to a table, her bag and books spread out with the stack of toast she brought for me.

"Let's get our homework out of the way, shall we?" Hermione said as she sat down with her parchment.

"Alright." I raised my wand and faced the girls dormitories.

"Accio bag!" I proclaimed, and I saw my bag fly out of the stairway. Hermione clapped, and I sat down next to her. I pulled out my supplies, and we both got started on our homework, barely talking to each other. We both were very focused, and we knew the sooner we got our homework done the sooner we could do as we please. Hermione went back to the dormitories to grab some more ink, and I took the opportunity to throw my toast in the bin, so Hermione would think that I ate it. An hour later, I slammed my books shut, having completed my homework. I let out a sigh and leaned back, packing my bag.

"Hold on I'll be done in a minute." Hermione said with her brow furrowed in concentration. She jotted down a few more sentences, and closed her books.

"Wanna go for a walk?" She asked as she stood.

"Sure!" This would be a great opportunity to burn calories. I took her outstretched hand and we clambered through the portrait hole together. We made our way to the entrance hall, and pushed the tall oak doors open. The sunshine hit us, and it smelled like spring.

"It's so nice out." Hermione stated as she swung our inter joined hands back and forth. I murmured in agreement, and looked over at the quidditch pitch. I saw a few people messing around on their brooms, and a pang of nervousness shot through me. I was the seeker on the Gryffindor team, and we had an upcoming math against the Slytherins. Any strenuous physical activity made me feel more dizzy and weak than I already am, but I still practiced and put my all in. Quidditch never failed to make me forget my worries.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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