Our Hero (Harry Potter Fanfiction)

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One shot! Slash Harry/Fred 

AN: I am dedicating this to NiallersVeryOwnPrincess on Tumblr and Wattpad. Best friends in life! Oh and to DarkVioletShadows. She's amazing! She puts up with me yapping on and on and on and on about Harry Potter every day. If you want to read more of my stories I mainly upload to Fanfiction.net on my account called Phelpsgirlxxx

Harrys Pov

I stared over to where he was sat at the common room and he beamed at me. I looked away and fought the huge urge to blush. Hermione raised an eye brow questionably. I avoided eye contact. Nobody could know about us, what with Ginny's jealously if she found out and with the threat of Voldemort leaning over my head.

The only person who knew was George, and that was only because Fred could keep nothing from his twin brother. I looked back down at my half finished charms homework and sighed slipping upstairs. Ron was still not talking to me because of the whole Triwizard Tournement thing. 

I mean seriously, we were meant to be friends. Everyone who knew me, knew I hated all types of attention. It was my Mum who had stopped Voldemort, and my Dad really. Not me. I was just Harry. Fred glanced at me again and I blushed. I would have only been able to let people know we were together when the war was over.

Weeks passed and Fred and I spent any time we could get away from others together. George helped in the attempt to escape. When we did, we would meet in the room of requirement and talk there. No where around the school other than here was safe. The walls had ears, near enough literally and the portraits loved a good gossip.

When my sixth year came, Fred would sneak into the castle through the Honeydukes passage and under the invisibility cloak he would meet me in the room of requirement and if that wasn't free, which had happened a fair few times we had gone to the shrieking shack as there was no way that any of the others would go there.

Seventh year was awful, when I couldn't see Fred. I had no idea whether he was still alive. When I heard his voice on Potterwatch my heart leaped and I know Hermione must have seen the look on my face before I could mask. Hermione never said anything. When we saw each other in the room of requirement it came out.


" We're not too late are we?" George said.

I span around to face Fred and he beamed before running over and wrapping his arms around me and kissing me full on the lips. I could tell that people expected me to push him away but I clung onto him. Wolf whistles echoed around the room and when we broke apart we blushed.

" Its about time you two finally told others, I mean its only been five years!" George said.

" Five years? You never told me for five years?" Ron said.

" Sorry mate." I whispered slightly ashamed.

" I understand, its fine. Welcome to the family, once more."

" Thanks Ron. And now we fight."

End Flashback

Then came Freds death. Voldemorts voice filled my eyes making me shiver with hate and how much I had wanted to kill him. Hermione, Ron and I hadn't been with Fred. We had gone the opposite way after the room of requirement. I had kissed him goodbye and told him I loved him, before he walked away.


" Come on Harry, lets go the hall." Hermione said.

" Alright."

We walked into the, what looked like it at least, abandoned castle. We pushed open the doors to the great hall and passed people. The Weasleys were stood in a clump and I saw that George had tears down his face. I walked closer and saw dead upon the ground, my Fred. My whole world stopped and the walls felt as if they crashed down around me.

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