Part 7 (everyones persoective new perspective per paragraph)

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(Jane) I love Christmas but this was the worst one ever. My dad died chads dad died.. Both of our moms seemed sober. Every time something comes out of her mouth it's always slurred and or she can't even speak. Both the moms drank till they could barely see two feet in front of them. I want to cry but I hate to be helped and to feel dependent on others. It makes me feel weak.

(Chad) Our moms can't stand. Let alone sit they have a stench of liqueur and Booz/ beer. But my mother prefers wine . I can't believe I am saying this but my mom looks like she needs serious help. I am usually not rude to anyone but my mom needs the rudeness to get off her butt an find herself someone who she likes. Ya I loved my dad but my mom can find many more men her age that like her...

(Marry Ann) Christmas is that today.... If so wait up Santa me and my friend Grace would like to love you. Just as much as our kids do we are so happy to know you are to be coming and giving gifts.

(Grace) I love my little girl that's why I bought her things for Christmas. If I didn't love her I would hate her right. Where is she anyways.... I can't see 3 feet in front of me....

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