Fast Forward

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As the years past our Luna grew from a shy 13 year old to a beautiful Luna warrior. She still wore combat boots and black eye liner but not as often. She switches to sundresses and flats when she felt the need to express her womanly side and when the pack needed a Luna not a warrior. She was strong when needed and a shoulder to cry on. She is perfect.

I feel my mouse move against my hold. Her soft snores tell me she's still fast asleep. Her hair is tangled and half way in her face and half way everywhere else. I didn't want to let her go, but I had alpha business to attend to. Rogues to interrogate. Paper work to sign and most importantly a ceremony to be planned.

A week ago my father passed away due to complications with his heart. This left my mother saddened but still soft and loving. She knows he no longer suffers and that he and his wolf are with the Goddess. Since he is no longer with us, I have filled in his place here and on Friday we will make it official.

I kiss her forehead before untangling myself from her. My wolf whines at the lost of contact. I tell him we will be back next to her side soon enough. He grumbles and huffs before going back down. I head for the shower.


I turn over in bed and find his side cold. I frown. He must be in his office again. I sit up and pull my hair in a messy bun and slip on one his shirts and some of my basket ball shorts. I look tired but I mean who wouldn't (wink).

I push open the door to his office. Not even bothering to knock. He was sitting there on the phone. One of his big hands holding his forehead, his hair going every which way. His jaw tensed and untensed. He slammed his head down on the desk, causing me to jump a bit.

"What do you mean? How could they escape? No one has ever escaped from the cellars. --- I dont care. Find them." He slams his phone down and holds his head in his hands.

It doesn't take a high IQ to tell that the rogues who helped worsen his father's state escaped. I growled at this. I insisted that I be the one to guard them. But, he wouldn't let me. Saying it was too dangerous.

I walk over to him. I run my hands over his shoulders and lift his head up to look at me. His eyes were wet with unshed tears. His father and him were so close. Practically inseparable. As far as I could remember Jack went everywhere his dad went. On runs, to meetings, fishing, hunting, other packs. Conjoined at the hip his mother would tell us. Not to mention they look like clones of each other.

I lean down and kiss his forehead then his cheeks and I nip at his nose. He sorts. I crawl into his lap and hold him. My wolf purrs at the contact and that our mate is smiling and not angry at the world. At least not right now. He squeezes me closer and kisses my head.

We stay like that for hours possibly, until our stomachs rumpled.

"Food is needed." He hums in agreement. I stand and bring him with me. His eyes are red but not too noticeable. The pack understands. The alpha was like everyone's father. We all are still in mourning.

Once in the kitchen; I dig out eggs, bacon, waffle mix and other supplies. Jack comes over and starts getting the waffle mix together as I start frying up the bacon and eggs. We work in silent unionism. Knowing how each other moves and when they move. His mother compare our kitchen cooking style to dancing. One moves with the other. Twirling around each other. Never missing a beat.

When done, we sit and eat. I place my head on his shoulder when I finished eating. He leans in for a buttery waffle kiss.

"Alpha! We found the-" my dad came rushing in.

Jack growls. I whine. My dad goes red.

"Where?" Jack growls. He was already on his feet and moving towards the door. I jump up and run after them. Jack twirls around grabbing my waist. My back to his chest "Mouse not today. Stay home please."

His hand goes to my to my lower belly. Confusion struck me. He let me go and continued with my father. Who looked like he just got the best gift in the world before continuing with Jack.

I headed back to the house. Best not to make Jack mad. At least not right now. I grab my phone and dial my human friend Daisy. She's studying to become a full on vet so she has access to stuff that our pack doctor doesn't. Like an ultrasound machine.

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