Doctors and Rogues

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Red. Hate. Blood boiling anger.

That's all my wolf felt as we ran towards those diseases of the lycan race. We are naturally peaceful creatures until our mind snaps or our family is threatened.
They killed my father. Threatened my mate. Killed some of my pack members. Threatened my home. I pushed my wolf harder.

Must get revenge.

I feel my paws scrap against the forest floor. My nails digging into the top soil. My breathing labored from running. The crisp autumn air filling my lungs and running through my fur. I lean my head down to sniff the ground, I catch the decaying flesh and pine trees. Rogues. I bark and switch directions.

They will not be getting away alive.

We ran for a quarter of a mile before we lost the scent, again. I howled in frustration. They had to be working with someone who knows how to mask scents. That is the only logical explanation. A human hunter. I switch to human form, and punch a nearby tree.

"What did the tree ever do to ya?" My long time friend Blake asked me. Sarcasm was his specialty. I growled at him. He puts his hands in the air in defeat. I know he's only trying to make me smile, but now was not the time.

I hear a tiny sneeze, like a child. I look over and see this tiny red haired, blue eyed, freckle faced little girl. She couldn't have been more than 15 or 16, but I'm bad at ages. I hear Blake gasped.


We hear a cute little sneeze off in the distance. I turn to see the most beautiful red hair tangled with leaves and sticks, framing a heart shaped face with freckles scattered all over and the most breathtaking blue eyes. My wolf howls. I gasp.

Mate. Mine.

She looks at me and her eyes light up. She feels it to. I start walking towards her when, Jack the bum face, stops me. I growl.


Jack drops his arm. She runs to me. She falls into my chest or more like she clasped. My arms wrap around her when I noticed that there was nothing to her. She wore a big hoodie that covered her and jeans that seemed to once fit her but are now too baggy. There was nothing else with her. She didnt smell like a rogue. I sniffed her again. She smelled like desert. A New Mexico pack most likely.

"We need to head back." Jack says. Most likely he wants back with Mouse. I dont blame him.

I scoop my unknown mate up and begin to the short trip back. Jack and I stay human as Mouse's dad and a few trackers and fighters stay in their wolves.


I pace back n forth. I was waiting for Daisy to come back with the test results. I wanted it to be the correct outcome. I've been waiting for so long. I sit down and my knee immediately starts bouncing. She's only been gone for 10 minutes, but it feels like hours.

Daisy finally walks back in. There's a big smile on her face and she bites her lip.

"I'm going to be an auntie!" She screams. I cover her mouth.

"Lycans. Remember? Sensitive hearing. I dont want anyone to tell Jack before I do." She nods her head and I release my hand. "How far am I?"

"Well I don't know much about lycans but I do know wolves are only pregnant for a few short months sooooo in human terms you would be around 14 weeks. Best guess." She's still smiling. I cant help but smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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