full moon

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i hated the full moon.

my instincts were haywire.

so were my hormones.

i was practicly the moons slave.

i was sitting in the throne room with all the others still wraped in felixs cloak. i always sat against one of my uncles legs on the steps.

right now i was against Aros.

i was looking at the romanians. they decided to visit after a call from the wolfs bitch(reenesme)

they were looking at me as if i was some interesting experiment.

Vladimire looked facinated.

Stefan looked discusted.

i didn't care they were old and weak.

they do not and have never held half of the power or dignity the volturi hold.

they are powerless, weak, fools.

Marcus suddenly spoke up "Santiago why don't you take Kateraina to her new room."

Aro"yes i believe that will be a good idea"

Caius" i could not agree more"

Aro" and take Leah,Seth and Embery with you."

SAntiago"yes masters"

as we walked past Vladomire and Stefan i pressed a sence of dread and fear into their minds they would be helpless.

i read their mindes and sent what i found to Aro. he looked very interested. we continued down the hall to the rooms when i walked into mine i was in heaven.

the walls were deep red/purple.

the curtains sheer black. black silk sheets with a comforter the same color as the walls.

purple red and black furniture.

their were 3 sets of French doors.

a purple set that led to the bathroom.

a black set that led to a balcony overlooking my favorite part of the castle. the garden, my garden. aro had planted it for me my first visit.

and a red set that led to my closet. my huge walk-in closet. every thing was designer. Alice would be like a kid in a candy store if she was here.

i walked over my bed after changeing clothes. purple with bats.

as i layed down a pair of arms wrapped around me i rolled over and their was Alec.

i smiled and said "are they gone"



and drifted into a peaceful sleep.

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