Some More Thoughts

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I really am lucky, now that I think about it more.
I've got parents that live together and they usually aren't mad. They're good to us and they provide for us.
By the way, 'us' is me and my brother. He's a dork but I love him.
I've got a wonderful boyfriend. Unfortunately, he lives 4,827 miles away. But I'll get to see him in person one day soon.
And other than S and E not talking to me, all my friends are amazing. My best friends, A and e, are really great, and they hang out with me and make sure I'm okay.
Sometimes I wonder if I annoy them.
I love them. They're like my brother and sister. They mean more than they'll ever know to me. I think if I ever lost them it would break me more than I could handle. It broke me to lose S and E. I'm not sure if I can handle it yet. I'm trying.
I have a message for you if you'd like to be my friend.
I love my friends like family, so don't you dare become my friend just to use me, or if I'm just a game to play.
That's all.
Also, I only have 8 more days of school so that's brilliant.
So long my friends,

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